Topic of the Week |

Topic of the Week scientists

July 6 & 8, 2011: Christos Leonidopoulos & Andrey Korytov

Christos Leonidopoulos: July 6 Talk

Andrey Korytov: July 8 Talk

March 14-18, 2011: Christos Leonidopoulos / Harrison Prosper / David Shih

Harrison Prosper: March 14 Talk

David Shih: March 15 Talk and March 16 Talk

Christos Leonidopoulos: March 8 Talk

March 7, 2011: Chris Vermilion, University of Louisville

Software at the Theory-Experiment Interface: Chris Vermilion's agenda

March 4, 2011: Albert De Roeck, CERN

SUSY at LHC: Implications of Early Data : Albert De Roeck's agenda

February 28, 2011: Pushpa Bhat, FNAL

Multivariate Methods: Pushpa Bhat's agenda

December 1-3,2010: Higgs → bb Searches

Michael Spannowsky: December 3 Talk and December 1 Talk

William Murry: December 2 Talk

Ben Kilminster: December 2 Talk

November 23, 2010: Andrzej Siodmok, Karlsruhe

HERWIG++ 101: All You Ever Wanted to Know About Herwig But Were Afraid To Ask Andrzej Siodmok's agenda

November 18, 2010: Steve Ellis, U. Washington

Single jets and jet substructure Steve Ellis's agenda

November 9-12, 2010: Jesse Thaler, MIT

Discussed jet substructure and early physics signatures Jesse Thaler's agenda

September 30-October 1, 2010: Frank Chlebana, FNAL

Discussed HCAL Calorimetry at CMS. Frank Chlebana's agenda

August 4-6, 2010: Roni Harnik, FNAL

Roni Harnik discusses possible new physics at the LHC. Roni Harnik's agenda

April 26-30, 2010: Thomas Speer, Brown University

Thomas Speer discusses the CMS Tracker, track reconstruction, vertex reconstruction and b-tagging at CMS. Thomas Speer's agenda

Previous Theorist of the week scientists:

Links to previous theorists of the week, 2008 - 2010