Monthly Archives: August 2012

Census Bureau Recognized at White House Innovation Event

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Written by: Tom Mesenbourg, Acting Director Yesterday at the White House, U.S. Chief Information Officer Steven VanRoekel recognized the Census Bureau as a leader in the effort to make government information more easily accessible to the public. He also used … Continue reading

Posted in About the Agency, Digital Transformation | 3 Comments

The Times, They Are a-Changin’

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Written by: Tom Mesenbourg, Acting Director As you know, Census Bureau Director, Bob Groves, resigned August 11, 2012 to become Provost at Georgetown University.  Bob was an inspirational leader and it was a privilege and a joy to work closely … Continue reading

Posted in About the Agency, Digital Transformation, Measuring America | 1 Comment

The Data-to-Statistics Chain

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Federal statistical agencies face a set of common problems about which I’ve blogged in the past (The Future of Producing Social and Economic Statistical Information, Part I) — declining response rates producing cost inflation, meeting the demand for more timely … Continue reading

Posted in About the Agency, Measuring America | 4 Comments