NP Science Highlights

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Tuning the ATTA magneto-optic atom trap at Argonne National laboratory.October 2012Science Highlights

Sleuthing the Fate of Water in Ancient Aquifers and Ice Cores

Precision analytical techniques developed for fundamental experiments in nuclear physics now enable routine measurements of ultra-low concentrations of Krypton radioisotopes in samples of water, ice, and gas. Read More »

Interior view of the CEBAF Large Acceptance Spectrometer (CLAS) at TJNAF.October 2012Science Highlights

Solved: The Case of the Missing “Excited” Nucleons

Discovery could provide a deeper understanding of the dynamics of the three quarks enslaved inside the nucleon. Read More »

Map of bound even-even nuclei as a function of the proton number Z and the neutron number N.June 2012Science Highlights

New Horizons on the Nuclear Landscape

New calculations have quantified the boundaries and uncertainties of the ‘chart of the nuclides’—the extended periodic table of all matter. Read More »

Anti-nuetrons and anti-protons formed in very high energy collisions at RHIC are observed to combine to form anti-alpha particles.April 2011Science Highlights

Anti-Alpha Particles Observed for the First Time

Observation of these particles in cosmic rays with space based detectors would imply large amounts of anti-matter somewhere in the universe. Read More »

Last modified: 1/18/2013 4:36:02 PM