Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users

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Key Safety Provisions

Key Safety Provisions

  • New "Core" Highway Safety Improvement Program
  • SAFETEA-LU Doubles TEA-21 Safety Apportionment
  • Strategic Highway Safety Plans
  • Flexibility
  • Safety Set Asides

Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP)

  • Purpose: To achieve a significant reduction in traffic fatalities and serious injuries on public roads
  • New "Core" Program
  • $5.06 Billion over 4 years (FY06 – FY09)
    Fiscal Year2006200720082009
    Authorization$1,236 M$1,256 M$1,276 M$1,296 M
  • Set Asides
    • Railway Highway Crossings - $220 Million/Year
    • High Risk Rural Roads - $90 Million/Year

Apportionment Formula

  • 1/3: Total lane miles federal aid highways
  • 1/3: Total vehicle miles traveled on lanes on federal aid highways
  • 1/3: Number of fatalities on federal aid system

To obligate HSIP funds, States' must:

  • Develop and implement a State Strategic Highway Safety Plan
  • Produce a program of projects or strategies
  • Evaluate the plan on a regular basis
  • Submit an annual report to the Secretary

Strategic Highway Safety Plans (SHSP)

  • Developed by DOT after consultation with prescribed safety stakeholders
  • Analyzes and makes effective use of crash data
  • Addresses 4 E's plus management and operations
  • Considers safety needs of all public roads
  • Describes program of projects or strategies to reduce or eliminate safety hazards
  • Approved by State Governor or responsible State agency

**SHSP Guidance**

HSIP Flexibility

  • A State may use up to 10% of HSIP funds to carry out other safety projects identified in the SHSP
  • The State must certify that:
    • The State has met it's needs relating to railway-highway crossings
    • The State has met it's infrastructure safety needs relating to highway safety improvement projects

HSIP Reporting Requirements

States' must submit an annual report** to the Secretary that:

  • Describes not less than 5% of locations exhibiting the most severe safety needs, with an assessment of:
    • Potential remedies to hazardous locations identified
    • Estimated costs associated with remedies
    • Impediments to implementation other than cost

**Reports made available to the public through DOT web site

States' must submit a report to the Secretary that:

  • Describes progress being made to implement highway safety improvement projects
  • Assesses the effectiveness of those improvements
  • Describes the extent to which improvements:
    • Reduce the # roadway fatalities
    • Reduce the # roadway injuries
    • Reduce the occurrences and mitigate the consequences of roadway-related crashes
    • Reduce occurrences of crashes at railway highway crossings

Railway Highway Crossings

$220 Million/Year Set Aside (FY06 – FY09)

  • New Funding Formula:
    • 50% based on STP formula factors
    • 50% based on # public railway-highway crossings
    • Minimum apportionment: ½ of 1% of program funds
  • 50% of State's apportionment for installation of protective devices
  • Up to 2% of Section 130 funds can be used for data analysis and compilation for annual report to Secretary
  • Section 130 activities also eligible under HSIP (Section 148)
  • Report to Congress every two years beginning April 1, 2006

High Risk Rural Roads

$90 Million/Year Set Aside (FY06 – FY09)

  • Eligible on any roadway functionally classified as:
    • Rural major collector
    • Rural minor collector
    • Rural local road
  • Accident rate for fatalities and incapacitating injuries > statewide average
  • Construction and operational improvements
  • Flexibility:
    • State certifies it has met all of its' needs relating to high risk rural roads
    • May use set aside funds for any project under Section 148

Safe Routes to School (SR2S)

  • Program Purpose:
    • Enable and encourage children to walk and bicycle to school
    • Make walking and bicycling to school a safer and more appealing transportation alternative
    • Facilitate planning, development, and implementation of projects and activities that will improve safety and reduce traffic, fuel consumption and air pollution in the vicinity of schools

SR2S Funding

Fiscal Year20052006200720082009
Authorization$54 M$100 M$125 M$150 M$183 M
  • Apportionment Ratio
    • Total student enrollment in primary and middle schools (K-8) in each state to all states
  • Minimum: $1,000,000/Fiscal Year
  • SR2S Coordinator

SR2S Eligible Projects & Activities

Infrastructure Related Projects

  • Sidewalk improvements
  • Traffic calming & speed reduction improvements
  • Pedestrian & bicycle crossings improvements
  • On-street bicycle facilities
  • Off-street bicycle & pedestrian facilities
  • Secure bicycle parking facilities
  • Traffic diversion improvements

Non-Infrastructure Related Activities

  • Public Awareness campaigns
  • Outreach to press & community leaders
  • Traffic education & enforcement
  • Student sessions on pedestrian & bicycle safety, health & environment
  • Funding for training, volunteers and managers of SR2S programs

Other SR2S Activities

  • National SR2S Clearinghouse
    • Develop information and educational programs
    • Technical assistance
  • National SR2S Task Force
    • Leaders in health, transportation and education
    • Study and develop a strategy for advancing SR2S nationwide (March 31, 2006)

Work Zone Safety

  • Work Zone Safety Grants
  • National Work Zone Safety Information Clearinghouse
  • Worker Injury Prevention & Free Flow of Vehicular Traffic
  • Temporary Traffic Control Devices

Road Safety Improvements for Older Drivers & Pedestrians

  • Improve traffic signs and pavement markings
  • Consistent with "Guidelines and Recommendations to Accommodate Older Drivers and Pedestrians" October 2001
  • Federal Share = 100%
  • No dedicated funding

Incentive/Transfer Programs

  • Section 154: Open Container Requirements
  • Section 157: Safety Incentive Grants for Use of Seat Belts
  • Section 163: Safety Incentives to Prevent Operation of Motor Vehicles by Intoxicated Persons
  • Section 164: Minimum penalties for repeat offenders for driving while intoxicated or driving under the influence

NHTSA Programs

  • Section 406: Safety Belt Performance Belt Grants
  • Section 408: State Traffic Safety Information System Improvements

"The care of human life & happiness…is the first and only objective of good government"
- Thomas Jefferson

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Program Contact

Robert Ritter
