
AFN Europe Podcasts

Welcome to AFN Europe Podcasts! Podcasting allows you to subscribe to “feeds” that contain AFN produced audio and video products, and deliver the content directly to their computer. This guide will explain how Podcasting works.

Podcasting is a method of publishing audio and video broadcasts via the Internet, allowing users to subscribe to a feed of new files. These feeds deliver audio broadcasts to your desktop. Subscribers can listen (or view on certain devices) to these files on their computer or load them on to a portable media player and view or listen to the files away from their computer.

The word "Podcasting" combines the words "broadcasting" and "iPod." The term can be misleading since neither podcasting nor listening to podcasts requires an iPod or any portable music player.

AFN Europe Podcasts

AFN Europe offers three Podcast feeds:

  1. AFN Europe Audio Podcast

    The AFN Europe Audio Podcast feed contains MP3 audio files of AFN Europe produced content. Audio content includes news stories, audio features, extended interviews, AFN Openline shows, etc.

  2. AFN Europe Video Podcast

    The AFN Europe Video Podcast feed contains MP4 video files of AFN Europe produced content. Video content includes news stories, video features, etc.

  3. AFN Europe Video Features Podcast

    The AFN Europe Video Features Podcast feed contains MP4 video files of AFN Europe produced long format content. Video content includes the AFN Europe Report, AFN Destination pieces, etc.  

Advantages to Podcasting

Using this technology gives AFN another way to deliver content to you. Podcasting allows you to define what you want to receive, and use the content when it is convenient.

No iPod? No problem

You do not have to own an iPod or portable media player to enjoy AFN Podcasts. All you need is a computer with podcast software installed to download the content. You can then listen to or view the content on your computer at any time.

How to subscribe to a Podcast

To receive the content of the podcast feed, you need to have software installed on your computer that checks the feed for content, downloads the content, and loads the content to your portable media player. The following programs are available to download for free:

(Note: The following links are provided for informational purposes only and do not imply an endorsement by AFN of the product. Also, do not install software on a government-owned computer without first receiving permission from your information management officer.)

iTunes - (required to receive video podcasts)
Juice   -
Happy Fish -

Once you have the software installed, you are ready to subscribe to AFN Podcasts!

AFN Audio Podcast

Subscribe via iTunes: 

Subscribe via RSS:     

AFN Video Podcast

Subscribe via iTunes: 

Subscribe via RSS:     

AFN Video Features Podcast

Subscribe via iTunes: 

Subscribe via RSS:     



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AFN American Forces Network ® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Defense.