Press Releases

Washington – Following an historic hearing with the Joint Chiefs of Staff on the national security implications of repeated defense cuts, Armed Services Committee Chairman Howard P. "Buck" McKeon (R-CA) made the following statement:

"In a time of declining military strength and increasing global danger, I am deeply concerned about the future of U.S. National Security. I took some comfort in General Martin Dempsey's testimony today, when he noted that the our national security strategy could not survive another dollar of defense cuts. It is alarming that despite the warning of his most senior military adviser, President Obama has proposed a plan that would take not one, but up to $250 billion dollars out of defense.

"If our national security strategy, already drastically watered down to comply with the White House's first two rounds of defense cuts, cannot survive a dollar's cut — it is frightening to consider what the President's next round of massive cuts could do to our safety and our security."