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"No Budget, No Pay" bill passes the U.S. House
Thornberry supports measure

Washington, Jan 23 -

Congressman Mac Thornberry (R-Clarendon) made the following comments after the House passed the “No Budget, No Pay Act" with a bipartisan vote of 285-144:

"Today the House passed a bill to extend the debt limit until May 18, 2013, and to withhold the pay of members of either the House or Senate if that body does not pass a budget resolution by April 15 as required by law.

The bill will force both the House and the Senate to lay out how it would get our fiscal house in order. In the House, we will vote on a budget that balances within ten years. The Senate has not passed any budget in four years, and the intention of this bill is to force them to do what they should have been doing all along. The contrast in the two budgets, plus the upcoming debate on government funding and sequestration, should help make clear where the problem is---too much spending."

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