Microfiche Congressional Record Annual Subscription

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Congressional Record (Microfiche)

By: Congress

GPO Stock # 752-029-00000-8 ISBN: 0-16-012190-6

Daily periodical with biweekly indexes when Congress is in session that presents proceedings and debates of the United States Congress.

Microfiche subscription price covers issues for one year. Subscription service begins with the first issue after the order is processed. Issues for two full sessions of Congress and the current Congress will be retained in stock for individual purchase. Single copy, $3.00; foreign single copy, $4.20; $73.00 for six-month subscription; $102.20 for six-month foreign subscription. SUBSCRIPTIONS ACCEPTED FOR SIX-MONTH OR ONE-YEAR PERIOD ONLY.

24X microfiche. CRM. File Code 3A.

Price: $146.00
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