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Fostering Hope, Growth, and Goodwill In Africa

Fostering hope, growth, and goodwill in Africa

To end the poverty of a million Africans by investing in their ideas.

The United States African Development Foundation is an independent Federal Government agency whose mission is to provide direct economic development assistance to marginalized populations in conflict and
post-conflict areas in Africa.


Former President, Lloyd Pierson speaks about USADF Mission.


Goals and Operating Principles:   

The following list summarizes ADF core goals and operating principles. These goals provide guidance to ADF programming strategies and approaches,  its organizational structures, and annual budgets priorities.   

(1) High effectiveness, low overhead:   The efficient use of taxpayer funds is paramount in every decision.  While accomplishing tangible results are important, it is essential that USADF be accountable to use public monies in the most cost effective manner.  Maintaining this priority moves USADF toward achieving the lowest overhead rate in the Federal government.
(2) Focus on marginalized communities: USADF is the only United States Government agency with a specific mission to provide direct development assistance to the most marginalized, under-privileged populations in Africa.  These populations can be identified by geography, ethnicity, gender, age, or disability, and are often disenfranchised from the political, economic and social fabric of the broader society.
(3) Investing in Africans and their ideas:  The Foundation trusts Africans to understand the challenges they face and to know the best approaches to resolving them. USADF also ensures that grantees have access to assistance from African experts in the design and implementation of projects.   USADF’s development model empowers Africans in decision-making and implementation processes.
(4) Addressing development needs and long term economic results:   The majority of the USADF program portfolio is devoted to income generating projects that produce jobs, better income levels, and tangible social benefits.  In cases where the right opportunities exist, USADF helps marginalized populations develop their capacity to join the global economy.
(5) Encouraging and expanding African management:   USADF programs in Africa are managed by Africans. When consultants are required most often African experts are selected.  USADF values and has policies that ensure that Africans take leadership roles in developing, implementing, and managing foreign assistance. 
(6) Maintaining the highest level of openness and transparency: As an organization primarily dependent on U.S. taxpayer funds an open and transparent organization is the best approach.  The USADF strives to make it simple for people to know more about Africa, what USADF is doing, and exactly how program funds are being used.
(7) Organizational Teamwork: Support and develop an equal opportunity, results driven team that rewards hard work, dedication to the mission, and personal success

1400 I Street NW, Suite 1000 | Washington. D.C. 20005-2248 | P: 202-673-3916 | F: 202.673.3810