United States Department of Veterans Affairs
National Center for Ethics in Health Care

Ethics Rx


Ethics Rx 



National Ethics Committee Reports 

National Ethics Teleconferences 

Ethics Rx is a periodic bulletin designed to clarify interpretation and implementation of VHA policies for which the National Center for Ethics in Health Care (NCEHC)  is responsible. Each one-page issue provides succinct, timely, practical guidance about a well-defined question of concern to VHA practitioners and managers.

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Note: The information contained in NCEHC publications is current as of the date of publication. However, health care ethics is a dynamic field in which best practices and thinking are constantly evolving. Therefore, some information in our publications may become outdated or may be superseded. We note these instances when they occur, and we encourage users to consult additional authorities on these topics, including current VA policy and regulation.

Documenting Veterans' Mental Health Treatment Preferences in Advance Directives (June 2009) download PDF file

Informed Consent for Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) Testing (February 2009) download PDF file

When Must Clinicians Obtain a Separate Consent for Use of Blood Products in the Post-Operative Period? (August 2006) download PDF file

May Clinicians Disclose Health Information Protected Under 38 U.S.C. §7332 to Surrogates? (February 2006) download PDF file *SUPERSEDED OR OUTDATED

Who May Serve as Witness for Signature Consent for Clinical Treatments and Procedures? (December 2005) download PDF file

Choosing Among Surrogates of the Same Priority (April 2005) download PDF file

How Can Patients Communicate Their Wishes About Life-Sustaining Treatment? (March 2005) download PDF file *SUPERSEDED OR OUTDATED

Must All Patients Be Asked About Mental Health Advance Directives? (February 2005) download PDF file

May Do-Not-Resuscitate (DNR) Orders Be Suspended for Surgery? (January 2005) download PDF file

Consent for HIV Testing: Must the Patient's Signature on VA Form 10-0121 Be Witnessed? (December 2004) download PDF file *SUPERSEDED OR OUTDATED

Clarification of VA Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) Policy—Orders Written by Residents (May 2003) download PDF file

New Informed Consent Policy (January 2003) download PDF file *SUPERSEDED OR OUTDATED

Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) Protocols: Policy Change (October 2002) download PDF file