Minnesota Chapter
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Bulletin Board

Sediment Transport and
Agricultural Drainage Seminar
Friday, June 24, 2011
Mankato, MN

(Updated 6/19/11)

MN SWCS & MISAC Invasive Species
Traveling Workshop
August 2, 2011 At 9:30 am
Detroit Lakes, Minnesota

(Updated 6/19/11)

Big Challenges Surrounding the Tiny: The Potential Environmental Consequences of Nanotechnology Revolution
by Dr. Paul Bertsch
Wednesday April 13, 2011 2:00-4:30 PM 335 Borlaug Hall University of Minnesota St. Paul, MN
Recorded webcast here
(Updated 4/19/11)

Minnesota Chapter of SWCS
2011 Annual Training Conference
Precision Agriculture:
Utilizing it With Conservation
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Holiday Inn, St. Cloud, MN
Agenda and Registration

(updated 2/23/11)

2011 MN SWCS Officer Nominations
(updated 2/18/11)

Students and Professionals
SWCS Scholarships are Available Now
Deadline for all application submissions

is March 15, 2011

Student Scholarship Application Form
Awards Nomination Form
(updated 3/4/11)

Click on the conference logo above to go to the conference page

MNWIISC Conference Proceedings (6 MB)
(updated 1/22/11)

Conference Presentations

(updated 1/23/11)

Attendee Contacts
(updated 1/22/11)

Invasive Species Partners Honored
(updated 11/28/10)

MN-WI Invasive Species Conference 2010: Working together to Control Invasive Species
November 8-10, 2010,
Crowne Plaza, St. Paul, MN

(updated 10/21/10)

MNWIISC 2010 Conference Program
(updated 10/23/10)

MNWIISC 2010 Conference Presentation Abstracts
(updated 10/23/10)

Presenter Biosketches
(updated 11/2/10)

MNWIISC 2010 Exhibitor and Sponsor Prospectus and Registration Info
(updated 9/11/10)

Volunteer Information here


(updated 4/12/10)

Checkout the new MN SWCS "News blog" by clicking on the "News blog" button above
(updated 3/23)

New Officers
(updated 4/25/11)


Minnesota Summer Scene

Welcome to the Minnesota Chapter of the Soil and Water Conservation Society (SWCS). SWCS is a nonprofit scientific and educational organization -founded in 1943 - that serves as an advocate for conservation professionals and for science-based conservation practice, programs, and policy. SWCS has over 5,000 members around the world. They include researchers, administrators, planners, policymakers, technical advisors, teachers, students, farmers, and ranchers. Our members come from nearly every academic discipline and many different public, private, and nonprofit institutions. 

SWCS chapters throughout the United States and Canada conduct a variety of activities at local, state, and provincial levels and on university campuses. These 75 chapters represent the grassroots element of the organization. Each chapter elects its own officers, organizes conservation forums, and formulates local recommendations on land and water conservation issues.

Our mission is to foster the science and art of natural resource conservation. Our work targets conservation of soil, water, and related natural resources on working land—the land used to produce food, fiber, fuel, and other services that improve the quality of life people experience in rural and urban communities. We work to discover, develop, implement, and constantly improve ways to use land that sustains its productive capacity and enhances the environment at the same time.

We pursue our mission through a combination of research, education, and advocacy. Our ongoing activities and special projects are designed to:

  1. Improve the practice of conservation by fostering the development of state-of-the-art conservation practices and systems.

  2. Improve conservation policy by bringing science and professional judgment to bear in shaping local, state, provincial, and federal policy.

  3. Enhance the capabilities of conservationists through training and professional development.

  4. Sustain the ethic and spirit of professionalism among conservationists through networking and mutual support.