United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
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Minnesota NRCS Partnerships

Minnesota State Technical Committee (MSTC)

The Minnesota State Technical Committee serves in an advisory capacity to the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) on the implementation of the natural resources conservation provisions of Farm Bill legislation.  The Committee is intended to include members from a wide variety of natural resource and agricultural interests.  Chaired the State Conservationist, Don Baloun, the MSTC is composed of representatives from Federal and State natural resource agencies, American Indian Tribes, agricultural and environmental organizations, and agricultural producers.

The MSTC meets regularly to provide information, analysis and recommendations to the State Conservationist who strongly considers their advice.  Individuals or groups wanting to participate as members on the MSTC may submit requests to the State Conservationist explaining their interest and relevant credentials.

MSTC Meetings and Minutes


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