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AirData, access to monitored air quality from EPAs Air Quality System Data Mart
Basic Information

AirData gives you access to air quality data collected at outdoor monitors across the United States. Read more

Air Quality IndexAir Quality Index
Display an annual summary of AQI values.
Air Quality Statistics Air Quality Statistics
Display standards-related summary data by city or county.
Monitor ValuesMonitor Values
Display summary data for individual monitoring sites.
More Reports More Reports
See other summary and technical reports.
Visualize Data
AQI PlotAQI Plot
Compare AQI values for a location & time.
Tile PlotTile Plot
Plot daily AQI values for a location & time.
Concentration PlotConcentration Plot
Generate a time series plot for a location.
Concentration MapConcentration Map
Generate concentration maps for a specific time.
More ToolsMore Tools
See other visualization tools.

Download Data
Download DataDownload daily or raw data to a spreadsheet or file.
Interactive Map
Use Interactive Map

See where air quality monitors are located, get information about the monitors, and download monitor data. Select which monitoring networks to display.

Latest News
  • September 27, 2012 - The new Query Air Data tool provides raw data for a specific location and time for any pollutant.
  • May 10, 2012 - The interactive map now shows which monitors are active or inactive.
  • March 13, 2012 - You can now map individual states with the Concentration Map.
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