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Global Economic Statecraft

President Obama on Economic Statecraft
June 13, 2012

Hello everybody. In the 21st century, our nations are connected like never before.

In our global economy, our prosperity is shared. That’s why, as president, I’ve committed the United States to a new era of engagement with the world, including economic partnerships that create jobs and opportunity for all our citizens. 
It’s part of our larger effort to renew American leadership.

And I thank Secretary Clinton, and all of you, for making "economic statecraft" a pillar of American diplomacy.

Because just as we have to harness our economic strengths to advance American leadership in the world, we need to harness our foreign policy to advance our prosperity here at home.

With your help, we’re making progress towards the goal I set two years ago— doubling U.S. exports over five years so that more people around the world are buying products stamped with those three proud words, “Made in America.”

We’re moving ahead with trade pacts from South Korea to Colombia to Panama; increasing trade with emerging economies, from Brazil to Turkey, from South Africa to India; and we’re standing up to ensure that everybody plays by the same rules, so that our companies can compete on a level playing

Today, I’m proud to say that our exports have surged, to record levels— supporting nearly 10 million American jobs. That’s the progress we’ve made; the momentum we have to sustain.

And this is a two-way street. Even as we keep opening foreign markets to American goods, We want more foreign companies investing in America.

So we’re working to make it easier for companies to “in source” — to set up shop here in the United States.

We’re making it easier for tourists to get visas and visit America.

We want the world to know America is open for business.

So thank you.

In capitals and countries in every corner of the world, you’re the people behind this progress. You’re the folks who bring our countries closer together every day.

And I’m confident that, working together, we’ll continue to forge the partnerships that create the jobs, the opportunity, and the dignity that our people deserve.

Remarks for Global Economic Statecraft Day
 Hillary Rodham Clinton
Secretary of State 
Washington, DC

June 8, 2012

As soon as I took office, I immediately realized that many of the problems around the world do not respect dividing lines between economics and diplomacy.  To meet the challenges of the 21st century we needed to start thinking differently.  So last fall, I announced the State Department’s ambitious Economic Statecraft agenda, which is putting our diplomacy to work to strengthen our economy at home and produce real results for the American people, harnessing the forces of global economics to strengthen our diplomacy abroad.

We have to position ourselves to lead in a world where security and prosperity are shaped in boardrooms and on trading floors as well as battlefields.  That is why I am pleased to announce a new initiative called Global Economic Statecraft Day.

On June 14, American embassies and consulates around the world will host events that highlight our economic statecraft agenda, create American jobs, and strengthen our shared economic future.  Businesses, governments, and civil society leaders will come together to find new ways to invest and work together – whether through a public dialogue, a partnership announcement, or a meeting to discuss export opportunities.  We are sending the message to people in every region – the United States is open for business and tourism, and we have the economic tools to create new jobs and expand trade and investment – at home and abroad. 

Our diplomatic efforts are producing real returns for the American people and building a more prosperous future for our economic partners.

I want to thank President Obama for his support and leadership.  And I want to thank all of our diplomats and development experts around the world who are out there every day supporting America’s economic renewal and laying the foundations for sustained global prosperity.

I look forward to hearing about the concrete new ideas that come out of Global Economic Statecraft Day, and hope that this day spurs results for years to come.

Global Economic Statecraft

Global Economic Statecraft