By Foot, by Horse, by Helicopter! Health Care in Timor-Leste

USAID's health team coordinated with the Ministry of Health on the health component of the recent visit of three U.S. Navy ships and their Marine contingent.  The military health component supported Timor-Leste's integrated community health service outreach efforts, bringing medical specialists to 10 hard-to-reach communities. At one remote site, where normally a few dozen patients would be expected, the teams treated more than 400 patients and partnered with the USAID/MCC child immunization project to provide standard immunizations. [USAID partner MCHIP blog post:

Also in partnership with the Ministry of Health, USAID's health improvement project has developed a program with UNFPA for training and supporting midwives on family planning counseling and clinical practices. Building on the success of the Ministry's service provision using 17 Indonesian midwives contracted until Timorese midwives are fully trained, the project is now working with the first group of Timorese midwives in Baucau District. Rollout of the program continues with training for Timorese midwives in Dili and Ermera districts started in November.