United States Department of Veterans Affairs

VA Caribbean Healthcare System

Social Work

About the Program

Social Work at VA Caribbean Healthcare System is an integral part of health care. We help Veterans and their families with problems associated with the stress of an illness.

Social workers help Veterans find resources to meet their needs within the VA system and in their community such as —

  • home health services
  • legal services
  • transportation
  • community living

Services Offered

Social work offers counseling —

  • to Veterans with drug, alcohol, and emotional problems
  • to help Veterans and their families understand and adjust to an illness or disability
  • to Veterans and family members who want to prepare advance directives and durable powers of attorney for health care
  • to help Veterans and their families cope with terminal illness
  • to family members about legal issues such as commitment and guardianship

Counseling is conducted through —

  • one-on-one discussions
  • family conferences
  • group classes

VHA Caregiver Support Program:
Caring for those Who Care

There are an estimated 65.7 million caregivers who are providing unpaid care to for a loved one or a friend. Caregivers may experience a great deal of stress, depression, anxiety, financial stressors, or neglect their own personal healthcare needs. The VA recognizes the daily sacrifices made by caregivers who provide care to veterans, and the important role of caregivers in providing physical, emotional and other support to wounded, ill and injured Veterans; helping them to remain in their homes.  The VHA Caregiver Support Program offers comprehensive assistance, and support services to family caregivers.

If you are a caregiver of a Veteran, the VA Caribbean Healthcare System is here to support you. Call 1-855-260-3274 toll-free to reach VA’s Caregiver Support Line for support and information regarding VA services that may help you while you care for your Veteran (Monday through Friday, 8:00 am-11:00 pm ET, and Saturday, 10:30 am-6:00 pm).

For additional information and assistance to access VA services and benefits, you may contact your local Caregiver Support Coordinator at  the VA Caribbean Healthcare System: Vigmalia Perez-Calo, 787-641-7582 Ext.12130 Alternate: Carmen S. Aponte, Ext.12333.

For additional information access: www.caregiver.va.gov 


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