The Virginia Department Of Forestry - Shaping Virginia's Forests

State of the Forest - 2011

This is the seventh edition of the State of the Forest Report – an annual assessment of forestry in the Commonwealth of Virginia.

We have published our 2011 State of the Forest annual report. We invite you to spend some time reading about all that has happened over the past 12 months. Forestry is still a $27.5 Billion economic engine in the Commonwealth and forest industry employs more than 144,000 Virginians.

While the state budget (and the national economy) continues to present the VDOF with many challenges, it hasn’t stopped us from protecting the public; providing services to landowners, and working with private enterprises to create and maintain jobs while developing new markets for Virginia’s forest products. It’s certainly made it more difficult operationally, but our employees continue to perform at a high level so that no citizen is unprotected or left unserved.

The seventh edition of our annual assessment of forestry in the Commonwealth of Virginia covers the fiscal year July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011.

Thank you for the interest in and support of your Virginia Department of Forestry.

Take me to the 2011 State of the Forest >>>

New, Noteworthy and Upcoming

Dry Hydrant Grant Applications are now being accepted. Deadline: March 31. I want to learn about this grant opportunity >>>>.

Scam Alert For Forest Landowners The VDOF has received reports of a man posing as a representative of the agency who is approaching elderly and widowed landowners in Central Virginia trying to buy the timber on their property. This is a scam that could cost the landowners tens of thousands of dollars.

Firearms on the State Forests Read more about this regulation > > >.

Americans with Disabilities Act (update). Since March 15, 2011, trails in Virginia have been open to wheelchairs, including manual and power wheelchairs, personal mobility assistive scooters, and certain other devices designed primarily for the purpose of assisting people with disabilities. Read more about it > >

Most Requested Information and Services

Tree Seedlings - Buy Them Now! Our WebStore is now open for business!! You can also order seedlings by mail.

Native Trees of Virginia I'm ready to purchase a copy online or pay by check.

Calendar of Events | Jobs and Employment.

Grants and Financial Incentives Programs provide money to conserve land and resources, reduce wildfire risk, and more.

Training, Workshops and Conferences See what's offered from the Virginia Department of Forestry.

Timber Harvesting

Logging Notification Loggers notify us of their timber harvests.

Timber Harvester Identification Number Registration If you harvest timber, you can register online to receive your identification number.

Logger Incentive Program
Loggers may be eligible for a $2,000 payment per application that meets the program requirements.

Panel of portraits of Governor Bob McDonnell, Secretary of Agriculture and Forestry Todd Haymore and State Forester Carl Garrison.

News and Information

Press Room | News releases | Blogs - Online blogs maintained by employees of the Virginia Department of Forestry.

Forestry News Receive timely information about the services we provide landowners; the research we conduct on your behalf, and the products that we offer to the citizens of the Commonwealth. Sign up today!

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Last modified: Tuesday, 03-Jan-2012 09:32:58 EST