Vote History

  • January 2013 Vote History
    Jan 1, 2013  - January 2013 Vote History (1) - : Quorum Call - Call of the House January 03, 2013 - Quorum was present with 429 members responding (4 members did not respond.). Vote: Present (2)- : Election of the Speaker - January 03, 2013 - Nomination of John A. Boehner, R-Ohio, and Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., for ... More
  • December 2012 Vote History
    Dec 1, 2012  - December Vote History (614) - HR 6582: Heating and Cooling Equipment Energy-Efficiency Standards - Passage December 04, 2012 - Whitfield, R-Ky., motion to suspend the rules and pass the bill that would clarify federal energy-efficiency standards for water heaters, air conditioners, residential-vent... More
  • November 2012 Vote History
    Nov 1, 2012  - November Vote History (604) - HR 6371: Federal Contractor Employee Claims - Passage November 13, 2012 - Walberg, R-Mich., motion to suspend the rules and pass the bill that would transfer from the Government Accountability Office to the Labor Department the authority to process unpaid wage claims o... More
  • September 2012 Vote History
    Sep 1, 2012  - September Vote History (557) - HR 6122: Library of Congress Gifts - Passage September 10, 2012 - Lungren, R-Calif., motion to suspend the rules and pass the bill that would allow the librarian of Congress to accept gifts of securities, personal property less than $25,000, non-personal services, and ... More
  • August 2012 Vote History
    Aug 1, 2012  - August Vote History (540) - HR 8, HR6169: Tax Rate Extension and Tax Code Overhaul - Previous Question August 01, 2012 - Scott, R-S.C., motion to order the previous question (thus ending debate and the possibility of amendment) on the rule (H Res 747) that would provide for House floor consideration... More
  • July 2012 Vote History
    Jul 1, 2012  - (452) - HR 4155: Veterans Licensing - Passage July 09, 2012 - Chaffetz, R-Utah, motion to suspend the rules and pass the bill that would direct the heads of federal licensing authorities to consider and apply any relevant training received by members of the armed forces towards training or certifica... More
  • June 2012 Vote History
    Jun 1, 2012  - (306) - HR 5325: Fiscal 2013 Energy-Water Appropriations - Army Corps of Engineers Construction June 01, 2012 - Scalise, R-La., amendment that would increase by $10 million the amount provided for Army Corps of Engineers harbor and river construction, flood and storm damage reduction, shore protecti... More
  • May 2012 Vote History
    May 1, 2012  - Budget, Taxes and the Economy (199) - HR 5326: Fiscal 2013 Commerce-Justice-Science Appropriations - Previous Question May 08, 2012 - Woodall, R-Ga., motion to order the previous question (thus ending debate and the possibility of amendment) on the rule (H Res 643) that would provide for House floor... More
  • April 2012 Vote History
    Apr 1, 2012  - Agriculture and Rural Development (180) - HR 3336: Swap Dealer Exclusions - Passage April 25, 2012 - Lucas, R-Okla., motion to suspend the rules and pass the bill that would exclude certain financial institutions regulated by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission from being classified as swap dea... More
  • March 2012 Vote History
    Mar 1, 2012  - March Vote History Budget, Taxes and the Economy (96) - HR 4105: Countervailing Duties - Passage March 06, 2012 - Camp, R-Mich., motion to suspend the rules and pass the bill that would clarify that the Commerce Department has the authority to impose countervailing duties on imports from non-market ... More