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Many documents are available to the public without having to make a FOIA request. These documents are called “proactive disclosures” because they are automatically posted online by all Department components. Please find links below to all Department of Justice components to access their documents that are available online.

Training and Outreach
Next Events
March 14, 2013
Conference: OIP hosts a Sunshine Week meeting of the FOIA IT Working Group (Washington, DC)
March 20, 2013
For a full list of upcoming events, visit our Key Dates page.
To access DOJ documents that are posted online by OIP, please visit the FOIA Library.
For government-wide FOIA information including how to make a FOIA request to other federal agencies, please visit FOIA.GOV.
General Information Office of Information Policy
Melanie Ann Pustay
Office of Information Policy
(202) 514 - FOIA (3642)
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