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MIssion Statement

Many elements of the U.S. Embassy deal with environment, science and technology in some way. Examples include the Agriculture, Commerce, and Information Sections (representing, respectively, the Department of Agriculture, the Department of Commerce, and the U.S. Department of State). There is also a representative of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration in Madrid. The Environment, Science and Technology officer in the Economic Section represents the Department of State, which coordinates U.S. international environment, science and technology (EST) policy. More than two dozen U.S. Government agencies have EST interests and activities, which may involve overseas work, generally conducted through agreements between U.S. agencies and their overseas counterpart. The EST officer helps to facilitate these contacts and to oversee the implementation of EST agreements with the goal of advancing cooperative bilateral work in relevant areas. The U.S. and Spain have a general, government-to-government or framework agreement on cooperation in science and technology (which includes environmental subjects), and a number of individual agencies have established agreements in these areas. Subjects covered by the EST officer include environmental protection and conservation of natural resources, sustainable development, global climate change, ocean sciences and fisheries, nuclear energy, alternative and renewal energy, basic and applied sciences, health sciences and population, and technology.