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:: Section 337 Statistical Information

Current statistics:

Number of Investigations (based on new complaints) instituted so far in:

  • Calendar Year 2013: (1/1/2013 - present): 8 (as of 2/5/2013)
  • Fiscal Year 2013: (10/1/2011 - present): 13 (as of 2/5/2013)
  • Calendar Year 2012: (1/1/2012 - 12/31/2012): 40 (as of 11/9/2012)
  • Fiscal Year 2012: (10/1/2011 - 9/30/2012): 48 (as of 9/18/2012)

Historical statistics:

Number of Investigations Instituted by Calendar Year Number of Investigations Instituted by Fiscal Year