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The Office of Legislative
and Public Affairs


For general information call (202) 874-6740.

Public Affairs
(202) 874-6750
Legislative Affairs (202) 874-6760
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) (202) 874-1502
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Staff Contacts
Melody Barrett
(202) 874-6557
Marshall Kofler
Deputy Director
(202) 874-0966
Caroline Bailey
Intranet Project Manager
(202) 874-6579
Bradley Benson
Public Affairs Specialist
(202) 874-6604
Kristi Estep
Web Communications Specialist
(202) 874-7048
Tom Longnecker
Legislative Affairs Specialist
(202) 874-1229
Tom Santaniello
Legislative Affairs Specialist
(202) 874-6773
Cynthia Sydnor
Congressional Correspondence/
FOIA Disclosure Officer

(202) 874-0765

(202) 874-2391

Nina Whitehead
Legislative & Public Affairs Assistant
(202) 874-0222

   Last Updated:  October 22, 2012

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