Canadian Army reservists to take part in a large scale exercise at Fort Pickett

FORT PICKETT, Va. — More than 1,500 Canadian Army reservists from the 34th and 35th Canadian Brigade Groups are taking part in Exercise Noble Guerrier 13 (Noble Warrior) at Fort Pickett from Jan. 2 – 9, 2013 to validate months of training.

A combination of infantry, artillery, armored, engineer and support units will test their skills against a simulated opposing force during a four-day battle. Throughout the fall, these Canadian soldiers have trained on weekends to reinforce their knowledge, technique and capacity to work in platoon size up to company level.

FOR THE NEWS MEDIA: Reporters and photographers are invited to cover the final day of the field training exercise Monday, Jan. 7, 2013. Journalists would need to arrive at Fort Pickett by 8:30 a.m. to be escorted to the training site and should plan on staying until about 1 p.m. Any news organization interested in the opportunity should RSVP to Cotton Puryear by 6 p.m. on Friday, Jan. 4, 2013, in order to coordinate access to the Fort Pickett training area.

Each year, thousands of military personnel from all branches of the service and civilian public safety personnel train at Fort Pickett. With more than 35,000 acres of training area and state-of-the-art range facilities, Fort Pickett is one of the premier training locations on the East Coast.

You can find the 34th and 35th Canadian Brigade Groups on Facebook by clicking the following links: 34 Groupe-Brigade du Canada or 35 Groupe-Brigade du Canada.

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