Better Opportunity for Single Soldiers

The Camp Humphreys BOSS program is a great way for Single and Unaccompanied Soldiers to experience Korea and get involved in the community. Our BOSS program offers a variety of different types of volunteer opportunities and recreational trips around Korea. BOSS is also an avenue that Soldiers can use to help handle any Quality of Life issues they may have, such as taxis, buses, safety concerns and more. Check out our upcoming events on the Humphreys FMWR Calendar. The Camp Humphreys BOSS office is located in Bldg. S-110, the Community Activity Center (CAC), near the pool tables. BOSS meets bi-monthly, at 3 p.m., in the CAC Ballroom to address upcoming events and Quality of Life concerns. Please stop by the BOSS office for more information, or contact our Installation BOSS President.

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Date created: 3/28/2011 11:04:14 AM
Date last updated: 7/30/2012 2:12:22 PM