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Ambassador Krol’s Welcome Remarks for Industry Days


Deputy Minister Kamalov, General Brown, Admirals McLaren and Wolfe, friends, colleagues and participants!

As these are my first public remarks since the tragic events that took place in Libya, allow me to first pay tribute to my fallen colleagues who lost their lives in Benghazi doing their duty as diplomats representing the United States of America. They join the all too many comrades in our armed forces who have died at the hands of extremists and terrorists and as the result of hatred. I condemn those who perpetrate and incite such acts of hatred and violence. Let us re-commit ourselves as citizens of the United States and of Uzbekistan to combat such acts of violence and their sources that affect us all.

May I kindly ask that we observe a few moments of silence to honor our dead.

Thank you.

I am pleased to say a few words at the start of these Industry Days organized by the United States Central Command.

The initiative to host this event by United States Central Command with the strong support of the United States Embassy reflects the firm commitment of the United States Government to increase procurement of goods from Uzbekistan as part of our broader material efforts to stabilize and secure your neighbor Afghanistan as well as enhance regional economic growth, trade, cooperation and stability.

It is my honor to acknowledge our distinguished guests:

1st Deputy Minister of Foreign Economic Affairs, Investments and Trade Akmal Kamalov;

Major General Mark Brown, Commander, CENTCOM Joint Theater Support Contracting Command;

Rear Admiral Ron MacLaren, Director, Joint Contingency Acquisition Support Office, Defense Logistics Agency,

Rear Admiral Patricia Wolfe, Acting Commander, Defense Logistics Agency Troop Support;

These high ranking officials and their staffs are here today to explain to you as members of the Uzbek industrial and business community how to participate in the plans of United States Central Command and the United States Defense Logistics Agency to increase procurement from Central Asia , and especially from Uzbekistan.  The procurement needs are great but so is the competition.

As the American Ambassador to Uzbekistan I see these Industry Days as one element of our broader commitment to strengthen American-Uzbek economic ties.

Last month, the governments of the United States and Uzbekistan conducted successful, wide-ranging Annual Bilateral Consultations on the government-to-government level. During those consultations we discussed ways to increase our economic and trade engagement as well as our cooperation in stabilizing Afghanistan.

These Industry days are a product of those discussions demonstrating our commitment to move from words to concrete actions. 

My hope is that the business opportunities created and facilitated through these Industry Days will contribute to the our bilateral economic engagement while also helping to facilitate trade ties with your neighbor Afghanistan and in the broader Central Asian region.

Let me close by stressing that these Industry Days are not a one-time event or opportunity. The United States Embassy and our partners in CENTCOM and the Defense Logistics Agency will continue, in the weeks and months ahead, to work directly with you to maximize your opportunities to compete successfully for contracts.

The United States Central Command and the Defense Logistics Agency have provided highly motivated members of their staffs to join our embassy team to follow up on this event. They are an integral part of my embassy team. This in and of itself reflects the importance and commitment U.S. Central Command Commander General Mattis and Defense Logistics Agency Director Admiral Harnichek have personally given to this endeavor. It is also why they have sent their senior officers to participate in this Industry Days event.  

I look forward to seeing concrete contracts and greater economic ties between our countries emerge from these Industry Days.

I want to thank the members of my team who organized this event and especially U.S. CENTCOM Army Major Ben Johnson who has worked night and day since he arrived in Tashkent to make this event happen.

I thank all of you for your participation in Industry Days, and I wish you all a very successful symposium.

Thank you.