Job Corps: Like Us on Facebook

by Edna Primrose on October 25, 2012 · 0 comments

Recently, the Office of Job Corps launched its Facebook page, marking the program’s first official steps into the world of social media.  We’re excited about joining this space and here’s why:

Content.  We have a lot of it.  There are 125 Job Corps centers across the nation, and each one has powerful stories about self-improvement, career development and community service.  Facebook is where we can share those stories – and where the readers can share those stories.  We update daily with photos, video and text.  

Community.  If you’ve ever visited one of our centers, you’ve seen that we are like a family of 300, 500, 1000 — our center sizes vary widely but we have a close community connection at every one of them.  Now, multiply that by 125 centers and 48 years.  We are proudly closing in on 3 million students served.  We also have thousands more who are or were dedicated staff.  Needless to say, that’s a lot of people!  Yet, our Facebook page can bring them together, again.  And I haven’t even mentioned prospective students.  That’s next.

Connection.  Our target audience is youth ages 16 through 24.  Facebook is where many of them live and another way to communicate with them, as well as share our story.  It’s a great success story and we invite the readers to write the next chapter.

Visit us at  Like us if you like.  But most importantly, if you see a story or video there that can help a young person who’s struggling to figure out what’s next, please share.  As always, thanks for reading.

Edna Primrose is the National Director for the Office of Job Corps.

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