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Agricultural Research Funding in the Public and Private Sectors


Data for public and private funding of food and agricultural research and development cover the years 1970-2009 (public) and 1970-2007 (private). Data are available as nominal figures and adjusted for inflation.

Public funding is based on data from two sources:

Private funding estimates are constructed by ERS, based on the methodology presented in Research Investments and Market Structure in the Food Processing, Agricultural Input, and Biofuel Industries Worldwide, ERR-130, December 2011.

The research deflator (used to convert current dollars to real) is constructed by ERS, based on the methodology described in Pardey et al. (U.S. Agricultural Research Deflators: 1890-1985, University of Minnesota Department of Applied Economics Staff Paper P87-25, 1987).

For more details see Documentation and Definitions and Related Resources.




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    Agricultural Research Funding in the Public and Private SectorsBack to top
    Data for public and private funding of food and agricultural research and development cover the years 1970-2009 (public) and 1970-2007 (private). Data are available as nominal figures and adjusted for inflation.Download as Excel3/26/2012

    Last updated: Thursday, July 05, 2012

    For more information contact: Kelly Day-Rubenstein and Paul Heisey