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Publication Metrics and ReportsPublication Metrics and Reports

Publication metrics are used by JPL and individual organizations or projects to demonstrate their contributions to the advancement of scientific knowledge.

Citation reports can show who is citing a person’s or an organization’s paper(s).  They can also be used to follow intellectual trends.   JPL is a major producer of scientific and technical papers.   The  publication metrics reports for the period of 2005 through 2009 show a general increase in the number of JPL-authored papers, and an overall increase in the number of peer reviewed articles published.

Project bibliographies list all publications based on the project science. The library staff compiles these reports as a service.  Project bibliographies have been created for Galileo, Cassini, AIRS, and ASTER.  The specific criteria for inclusion are defined by the requester.   The bibliography can be a one-time product or an ongoing project with periodic updates.

JPL Peer Reviewed Articles 2005-2009

Average JPL per Article 2005_2009