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Project 25 Standards Development

Project Description


The open standards developed in TIA TR-8/Project 25 define how LMR equipment and systems should operate, and more importantly, how key system interface standards that, when implemented, would allow radios and infrastructure from different manufacturers to interoperate. The catalog of competitively offered P25 equipment continues to grow, with broad adoption by public safety organizations in the U.S. and by public safety organizations in over 54 countries. On behalf of DHS/OIC, the PSCR program actively participates in the development of P25 standards in support of practitioner requirements for their use of digital land mobile radios.

Part 1 of the Console Subsystem Interface decision chart for identifying standards related to functionality.
P25 DSR console decision chart example with references to tables listing P25 standards documents. See all three parts of the chart enlarged in the P25 DSR.


P25 is a user-driven effort to develop a suite of standards for digital land-mobile radio systems—a critical communications resource for first responders, and these practitioners actively participate in the standards development process alongside the LMR manufacturers. P25 was created in 1989 in order to enable public safety agencies to communicate with each other, regardless of their LMR system manufacturers, and is the only open voluntary consensus standards development group focused on emergency responder digital LMR communications.


PSCR has facilitated the accelerated development of P25 standards to meet the increasing user needs for functionally enhanced P25 equipment and systems, and to satisfy Congressional requirements concerning allocation of Federal funding for P25-compliant equipment and systems. PSCR leverages its subject matter engineering expertise to:

  • Create draft standards and assist in the development of technical requirements for P25 standards

  • Hold various leadership positions in the standards development groups and committees and participate in formal P25 voting activities

  • Evaluate technical proposals submitted by manufacturers and conduct relevant testing programs to validate the technical submissions

  • Maintain the P25 Documents & Standards Reference, which provides users, manufacturers, and government agencies a roadmap for charting progress and prioritizing standards development


Standards development for Congressionally mandated interoperability interfaces allows for more vendor solutions being offered to the public safety community. As standards development moves forward, public safety practitioners continue to need objective technical experts that can advocate on their behalf during the technical development of the standards. PSCR ensures that public safety’s technical needs are being accurately represented with the vendors and in P25.


The PSCR program’s efforts in P25 standards development have helped accelerate standards publication for key interoperability interfaces, which, in turn, has led to a larger number of vendor solutions offered in the P25 marketplace.

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Right-click Project 25 Standards Development to save or download this one-page project summary PDF file.

For more information, contact: Andrew Thiessen.