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Press Releases

Joint Statement on Niger

2 April 2010

The representatives of the United States and Canada in Niger are seized with the situation in Niger, and continue to wait expectantly for the Supreme Council for the Restoration of Democracy (CSRD) to make good on its promise to restore democracy, hold free and fair elections, and ensure the return to constitutional order.  We support the efforts of the Economic Community of West African States’ Mediator for Niger General (retired) Abdulsalami Abubakar and the African Union Special Envoy for Niger Professor Albert Tévoédrjè to assist in charting its path back to democracy.

We note that the Supreme Council for the Restoration of Democracy has taken several steps in a positive direction, including meeting with representatives of various sectors of Nigerien society to prepare for the establishment of an inclusive Consultative Council.  The CSRD, however, should ensure that due process and the rule of law are respected consistently, that human rights are rigorously observed, and that the freedom of the media to report news responsibly and accurately during this critical transition continues to be respected while encouraging its members to work towards restoring Niger’s democracy.

We are encouraged by Prime Minister Mahamadou Danda's official appeal to the international community to assist Niger in addressing the critical issue of food insecurity.  We have never wavered in providing humanitarian assistance for the people of Niger, and stand ready to respond to help meet urgent humanitarian needs.

The future prosperity and development of Niger depend on good governance, respect for civil liberties, and the support of the Nigerien people.  We strongly encourage the holding of transparent, free, and fair elections this year so that the most important voice, the voice of the people of Niger, can be heard.