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Feed Outlook: March 2012

by Thomas Capehart and Edward Allen

Outlook No. (FDS-12c) 18 pp, March 2012

World 2011/12 coarse grain production and use are projected higher this month, but the increase in consumption is larger, trimming prospects for ending stocks. Brazil’s corn production and exports are increased based on higher area for second-crop corn. Forecast EU corn feed use is increased, offsetting a reduction in expected wheat feeding. U.S. 2011/12 supply-and-use forecasts for feed grains are unchanged this month except for a small increase in oats imports and a corresponding increase in oats ending stocks. Projected ranges for 2011/12 farm prices for all feed grains are adjusted, but the midpoints of the ranges for corn and sorghum are unchanged. The midpoint of the projected price range for barley is lowered 5 cents per bushel and the range for oats is raised 5 cents per bushel.

Keywords: Feed grains, corn, sorghum, barley, oats, Feed Outlook

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Last updated: Tuesday, May 15, 2012

For more information contact: Thomas Capehart and Edward Allen