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Events 2012
  • President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama (Photo: White House)
    Holiday Greetings!

    President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, and thank our brave troops and their families for their service.  Video »

  • 2012 White House Holidays
    2012 White House Holidays

    First Lady Michelle Obama: “This year’s theme is ‘Joy to All.’ It celebrates the many joys of the holiday seasons: the joy of giving and service to others; the joy of sharing our blessings with one another; and, of course, the joy of welcoming our friends and families as guests into our homes over these next several weeks.” 

  • Ambassador Francis Ricciardone (State Dept. Image)
    Condolences for the Shooting in Connecticut

    "All of us at the American Embassy Mission across Turkey are deeply moved by the heartfelt condolence messages to President Obama from President Gul and Prime Minister Erdogan, and..." 

  • President Barack Obama delivers a statement in the James S. Brady Press Briefing Room of the White House regarding the mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, Dec. 14, 2012. (Official White House Photo by Lawrence Jackson)
    President Obama on Shooting in Connecticut

    We’ve endured too many of these tragedies in the past few years. And each time I learn the news I react not as a President, but as anybody else would -- as a parent.  Video »

  • Department of State Logo
    Increasing Sanctions Against Iranian Nuclear Proliferation Networks

    (December 13) The Secretaries of State and Treasury have imposed sanctions on seven Iranian private sector companies and five individuals for proliferating weapons of mass destruction pursuant to Executive Order (E.O.) 13382 

  • Deputy Secretary William Burns speaks with British Foreign Secretary William Hague in Morocco. Burns said Syria's opposition can offer a "true alternative" to the "dictatorial and divisive" Assad regime
    U.S. Recognizes Syrian Opposition

    Deputy Secretary William Burns speaks with British Foreign Secretary William Hague in Morocco. Burns said Syria's opposition can offer a "true alternative" to the "dictatorial and divisive" Assad regime. 

  • Secretary Clinton
    U.S. NATO Alliance

    Secretary Clinton: "The alliance has made great strides, and we’ve seen, just in the past 24 hours, how much ground member-states can cover when we are working together."  Video »

  • Trace Effects
    Trace Effects - A video game for learning American English and culture

    A collaborative English language video game experience for students ages 12-16. Learn English and explore American culture through puzzles, games, and adventures in an interactive world. Trailer »

Sceretary of State Hillary R. Clinton
    Regarding Significant Reductions of Iranian Crude Oil Purchases

    The United States and the international community remain committed to maintaining pressure on the Iranian regime until it fully addresses concerns about its nuclear program. That’s why today I am pleased to announce that China, India, Malaysia, Republic of Korea, Singapore, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Turkey, and Taiwan have again qualified for an exception to sanctions outlined in Section 1245 of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2012, based on additional reductions in the volume of their crude oil purchases from Iran.  

  • Francisco Sánchez, Under Secretary of Commerce for International Trade.
    Trade Mission Advances U.S.-Turkey Economic Relationship

    Washington — U.S. Under Secretary of Commerce for International Trade Francisco Sánchez on December 7 concluded a weeklong trade mission to Turkey with representatives from 18 U.S. companies in the aerospace and defense sectors. The trade mission helped participating companies identify opportunities in Turkey for increased U.S. exports and for potential partnerships with Turkish companies, the Department of Commerce said. Video »

  • Turkey Aerospace and Defence Trace Mission Logo
    U.S. Companies Look to Partner with Turkish Firms

    U.S. Department of Commerce Under Secretary Francisco J. Sánchez will lead a U.S. Aerospace and Defense Trade Mission of 19 companies to Turkey, Dec. 3-7, 2012.  

  • Wildlife Conservation Day
    Wildlife Conservation Day

    Secretary Clinton: December 4th will be the first ever Wildlife Conservation Day. And I have instructed U.S. diplomatic missions around the world to work to raise awareness about wildlife trafficking – some will host events, others will start a conversation with various communities. Our goal is to inform more people about this global conservation crisis Video »

  • International Day of Persons with Disabilities
    Proclamation on International Day of Persons with Disabilities

    Americans have always understood that each of us is entitled to a set of fundamental freedoms and protections under the law, and that when everyone gets a fair shot at opportunity, all of us do better. For more than two decades, our country has upheld those basic promises for persons with disabilities through the Americans with Disabilities Act -- a sweeping civil rights bill that moved our Nation forward in the journey to equality for all.  

  • White House Logo
    Statement by the President on the Observance of World AIDS Day

    This Saturday, December 1st, on World AIDS Day, we will come together as a global community to stand with people affected by HIV/AIDS, to remember those we have lost, and to renew our commitment to ending the pandemic once and for all. We have made great strides in combating this disease, and an AIDS-free generation is within sight.  

Assistant Secretary of State for Economic and Business Affairs Jose Fernandez
    Turkey, United States Seek Stronger Economic Ties

    Assistant Secretary of State for Economic and Business Affairs Jose Fernandez said the daylong discussions November 28 for the ninth U.S.-Turkey Economic Partnership Commission aimed to take advantage of the “tremendous trade and investment opportunities” for U.S. and Turkish companies. 

  • Tara Sonenshine, Under Secretary for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs (State Department photo).
    Travel of Under Secretary Sonenshine to Turkey

    Under Secretary for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs Tara Sonenshine will travel to Bosnia and Herzegovina and Turkey November 27-December 1, 2012.  

  • Dr. Rajiv Shah, the 16th Administrator of USAID travelled to Turkey and visited Emergency Management Presidency (Photo: AFAD)
    USAID Administrator Rajiv Shah Travels to Turkey

    WASHINGTON, D.C. – From November 25th-27th Dr. Rajiv Shah, Administrator of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) will travel to Turkey where he will meet with senior officials to discuss the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Syria and assistance for those affected by the crisis. 

  • Department of State Logo
    Joint Statement by U.S.-Turkey Economic Partnership Commission

    Representatives from the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Republic of Turkey met on November 28 in Washington, DC for the ninth United States – Turkey Economic Partnership Commission (EPC) meeting. The EPC is a key component of strengthening the economic partnership between the United States and Turkey, as outlined in the U.S.-Turkey Framework for Strategic Economic and Commercial Cooperation. 

  • ZICEV Student
    International Day of Persons with Disabilities

    The US Embassy supports ZICEV by placing a Senior English Language Fellow to teach the students English. Meet some ZİÇEV students and see how they have learned and developed their English in this video!  

  • Beyond Enchanted: Larry Jordan’s Movies
    Beyond Enchanted: Larry Jordan’s Movies

    One of the pioneers of surreal and experimental cinema, American director Larry Jordan, will be the guest of the Festival on Wheels with a special screening of his films taking place on December 3rd at the Ankara German Culture Center, through the contributions of the U.S. Embassy. The Festival on Wheels will continue to bring shining examples of world cinema in a second screening in Sinop. The events are free of cost. 

  • Poster - My Ankara Project
    My Ankara Project

    In light of December 3rd, International Day of Persons with Disabilities, a photography exhibition will open at Ankara’s Panora AVM between December 3-7 featuring the works of students from ZICEV (the Foundation for the Training and Protection of Mentally Handicapped Children) as well as American high school students studying in Turkey, with the support of U.S. Embassy Ankara Public Affairs Section. 

  • Three Turkish Entrepreneurs Are Among 30 Finalists!
    Three Turkish Entrepreneurs Are Among 30 Finalists!

    The U.S. State Department-funded Global Innovation through Science and Technology (GIST) Tech-I competition has announced that 3 Turkish entrepreneurs are among 30 finalists: Kimola Enterprise Solutions, NearestNeighbour/KapiKomsum, and Woutique. The final round of the Tech-I competition will be held in Dubai December 10-12, in conjunction with the 3rd Global Entrepreneurship Summit (GES). Winners will be announced at a December 12 awards ceremony.  

  • Secretary of State Clinton
    Remarks in Recognition of World AIDS Day

    Secretary Clinton (Nov. 29): "I urge other countries to develop their own blueprints, because to reach an AIDS-free generation, we have to keep moving forward."  Video »

  • U.S. Sailors preparing roast turkeys (U.S. Navy)
    Thanksgiving Day: A Time for Gratitude, Family and Friends

    Thanksgiving Day in the United States is devoted to sharing a meal with family, friends and often co-workers in gratitude for one’s blessings in life. It can also be a time of community service. Thanksgiving traces its origins to ancient harvest festivals. It became an official U.S. holiday on every fourth Thursday of November in 1863 under President Abraham Lincoln.  

Sceretary of State Hillary R. Clinton
    Sec.Clinton Announces Cease-Fire in Gaza

    Secretary Clinton (Nov. 21): "The people of this region deserve the chance to live free from fear and violence, and today's agreement is a step in the right direction that we should build on."  

  • State Department Logo
    Fact Sheet : Syria – Complex Emergency

    On November 14, at the annual U.S.–Australia ministers meeting, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced $30 million in additional USG food assistance to support people affected by the Syrian conflict, bringing the total U.S. humanitarian assistance for Syrians to nearly $200 million.  

  • Ambassador Ricciardone spoke at the opening of the Atlantic Council Conference (Photo: Atlantic Council)
    Atlantic Council Conference in Istanbul

    Ambassador Ricciardone spoke at the opening of the Atlantic Council Conference, Energy and Economic Summit 2012 in Istanbul on November 15.  

  • Ambassador Ricciardone gave a speech at TEPAV.
    Entrepreneurship Policy Conference

    Ambassador Ricciardone: It is a pleasure to be here with you today and an honor to share participation in this program with TOBB President Hisarciklioglu. I would like to thank the Global Entrepreneurship Program (GEP) Turkey... Photo Gallery »

  • Open Doors 2012
    2012 Open Doors Report

    Open Doors, supported by a grant from the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs at the U.S. Department of State, is a comprehensive information resource on international students and scholars studying or teaching at higher education institutions in the United States, and U.S. students studying abroad for academic credit at their home colleges or universities. 

  • International Education Week 2012
    International Education Week 2012

    This joint initiative of the U.S. Department of State and the U.S. Department of Education is part of our efforts to promote programs that prepare Americans for a global environment and attract future leaders from abroad to study, learn, and exchange experiences in the United States.  

  • President Obama
    Readout of the President’s Phone Call with Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan

    the President called Prime Minister Erdogan to discuss the escalating violence in Israel and the Gaza Strip. The two leaders shared their concerns about the dangers to civilian populations on both sides and expressed their common desire to see an end to the violence.  

  • U.S. Department of State
    Syria: Formation of Opposition Coalition

    "The United States congratulates the representatives of the Syrian people on the formation of the National Coalition for Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces Additional Humanitarian Assistance for the Syrian Crisis »

  • U.S. Ambassador Ricciardone and Dr. Ricciardone hosted a reception on November 7 at their residence, in honor of Katy Marton, CPJ board member.
    Reception in honor of Katy Marton, CPJ

    U.S. Ambassador Ricciardone and Dr. Ricciardone hosted a reception on November 7 at their residence, in honor of Katy Marton, CPJ board member.  Photo Gallery »

  • President Obama and family (AP Photo)
    Remarks by the President on Election Night

    The President: Tonight, more than 200 years after a former colony won the right to determine its own destiny, the task of perfecting our union moves forward. 

  • Follow Hub 2012 U.S. Elections
    Follow Hub 2012 U.S. Elections

    U.S. Mission Turkey is partnering with Turkey’s leading all news channel and social media activists for a virtual event on U.S. Presidential Election night, November 6.  Photos »

  • Ambassador Ricciardone
    Ambassador Ricciardone Press Roundtable

    Ambassador Ricciardone: ...I guess you have questions regarding Syria, but before we start, please let me call your attention to another issue. Believe me, there is another issue that I am engaged with on my daily agenda as much as politics - which is trade and investment...  »

  • tech-i vote120.jpg
    The 2nd annual GIST Tech-I competition

    We are happy to announce that seven entrepreneurs from Turkey are semi-finalists in the 2nd annual GIST Tech-I competition. This competition is an opportunity for young entrepreneurs in 49 countries to showcase their science and technology business ideas. Starting November 1st, people in Turkey and around the globe are encouraged to vote for their favorite entrepreneur or new idea by viewing and voting on two-minute video pitches  Vote »

  • Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton (State Department photo).
    Republic of Turkey’s National Day

    On behalf of President Obama and the people of the United States, I am delighted to send best wishes to the people of Turkey as you celebrate the 89th anniversary of the founding of the modern Republic of Turkey this October 29. 

  • Acting Under Secretary Rose E. Gottemoeller
    Acting Under Secretary Rose E. Gottemoeller Travels to Turkey and India

    Acting Under Secretary for Arms Control and International Security Rose E. Gottemoeller will travel to Ankara, Turkey, October 15, 2012 and New Delhi, India, October 16-19, 2012. During her visit, the Acting Under Secretary will focus on bilateral and regional cooperation on arms control, nonproliferation, disarmament, and other international security issues. 

  • President Barack Obama
    Statement by the President on Hajj and Eid al-Adha

    Michelle and I extend our best wishes for a joyful Eid al-Adha to Muslims in the United States and around the world. We also congratulate the millions of peaceful pilgrims who are performing the Hajj, including thousands of American Muslims. 

  • Secretary Napolitano’s Visit to Turkey
    Secretary Napolitano’s Visit to Turkey

    U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security Napolitano visited Turkey to discuss the Department’s collaboration with international partners on enhancing information sharing and combating transnational crime.  Photo Gallery  »

  • Caleb Nelon in Hatay (Photo: U.S. Embassy Staff)
    Burst of Color in Hatay!

    American Graffiti Artist Caleb Neelon was in Hatay last week as part of a U.S. Embassy program to highlight American pop culture. Caleb Neelon was joined by art students of Mustafa Kemal University and alumni of our Social Entrepreneurship Undergraduate and Youth Innovation and Entrepreneurship programs. During the week students had the opportunity to learn about the history of graffiti and even tried making some graffiti themselves!  Video »

  • White House Logo
    National Native American Heritage Month, 2012 - Presidential Proclamation

    As the first people to live on the land we all cherish, American Indians and Alaska Natives have profoundly shaped our country's character and our cultural heritage. Today, Native Americans are leaders in every aspect of our society -- from the classroom, to the boardroom, to the battlefield. This month, we celebrate and honor the many ways American Indians and Alaska Natives have enriched..  

  • Ricciardone at Fenerbahce Ulker-Boston Celtics Game
    Ricciardone at Fenerbahce Ulker-Boston Celtics Game

    Ambassador Ricciardone attended Fenerbahce Ulker-Boston Celtics NBA Europe Live 2012 basketball game with Consul General Kilner, Deputy Chairman of Ülker Board of Directors Ali Ülker, and NBA Turkey representatives.  Photo Gallery »

  • Secretary Clinton
    Clinton on the Attack by Syria in Akcakale, Turkey

    Secretary Clinton: With respect to what happened on the Turkey-Syria border, we are outraged that the Syrians have been shooting across the border.  

  • Elections 2012
    Presidential Elections 2012

    A source page on U.S.A. elections 2012, which provides links to the way primary and general elections work, not only the role of political parties, but also the nuts and bolts of voting machines and poll workers, opinion polls and campaign finance. 

  • The North Portico exterior of the White House is illuminated pink in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Oct. 1, 2012. (Official White House Photo by Sonya N. Hebert)
    National Breast Cancer Awareness Month

    (Presidential Proclamation) Breast cancer touches the lives of Americans from every background and in every community across our Nation. Though we have made great strides in combatting this devastating illness, more than 200,000 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer this year, and tens of thousands are expected to lose their lives to the disease. During National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, we honor those we have lost, lend our strength to those who carry on the fight, and pledge to educate ourselves and our loved ones about this tragic disease. 

  • Assistant Professor Danny Hayes
    Assistant Professor Danny Hayes Visits Turkey as the 2012 U.S. Elections Speaker

    Assistant Professor Danny Hayes has visited Turkey from September 30 to October 6 to give presentations at universities, think-tanks and research organizations in Ankara, Izmir and Istanbul.  

  • Logo - National Disability Employment Awareness Month
    National Disability Employment Awareness Month

    (Presidential Proclamation ) In the 22 years since the signing of the Americans with Disabilities Act, we have made significant progress in giving all Americans the freedom to make of our lives what we will. Yet, in times of prosperity as well as challenge, people with disabilities have had fewer opportunities in our workplaces than those without. As we work to revitalize our economy, it is essential that each of us can bring our talents, expertise, and passion to bear in the marketplace. 

  • Mayor Lokman Erturk
    U.S. Department of State Honors Lokman Erturk of Turkey As State Alumni Member of the Month

    The U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) selected Lokman Erturk as October’s State Alumni Member of the Month in recognition of his success in applying the concepts learned during his exchange for the betterment of his community. 

    Conflict in Syria

    Secretary Clinton (Sept. 28): "The United States is moving forward on all these fronts: providing humanitarian aid, supporting the civilian opposition, and increasing pressure on the regime."  Fact Sheet »

  • Ambassador Ricciardone
    Ambassador Ricciardone Expresses Condolences Regarding the Terrorist Attack in Tunceli

    We condemn yesterday’s bloody attack in Tunceli in the strongest terms. On behalf of the United States and the American people, I send our heartfelt condolences to the families and friends of the fallen.  

  • Secretary Clinton's Meeting with Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu
    Senior State Department Official on Secretary Clinton's Meeting with Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu

    "First, the Secretary obviously opened by thanking Turkey for the public statements made by Prime Minister Erdogan and other senior Turkish officials in the wake of the violence in Benghazi, Cairo, Tunis, et cetera. That led to a general conversation building on the themes that President Obama put forward yesterday morning about the importance of defending and supporting democratic transition.."  

  • U.S. Goals and Priorities for UNGA
    U.S. Goals and Priorities for UNGA

    Assistant Secretary Brimmer: "General Assembly high-level meetings offer opportunities for nations of the world to build partnerships towards shared goals..."  Video »

  • Presıdent Barck Obama
    Readout of the President’s Call with Prime Minister Erdogan of Turkey

    (September 18) President Obama and Prime Minister Erdogan spoke by phone today to continue their close consultations on regional and global issues. The President expressed condolences for today’s deadly attack on a Turkish military convoy... 

  • U.S. President Barack Obama (Official White House Photo)
    President on the Attack in Benghazi

    "I strongly condemn the outrageous attack on our diplomatic facility in Benghazi, which took the lives of four Americans, including Ambassador Chris Stevens. Right now, the American people have the families of those we lost in our thoughts and prayers." Video »

  • U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton (State Department Image)
    Secretary on the Attack in Benghazi

    "It is with profound sadness that I share the news of the death of four American personnel in Benghazi, Libya yesterday. Among them were United States Ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens and Foreign Service Information Management Officer, Sean Smith." Video »

  • US Embassy Logo
    Press Release: Ex-Im Approves more than $66 Million in Financing for Export of Power-Generation Equipment to Turkey

    The Export-Import Bank of the United States (Ex-Im Bank) has authorized a a $66.3 million guarantee in favor of UPS Capital Business Credit's loan to Bis Enerji Elektrik Uretim AS (Bis) of Turkey for the export of American power-generation equipment to the Republic of Turkey.  

  • Syrian Refugees are seen in a camp in Reyhanli, Turkey. (AP Image)
    Additional Humanitarian Assistance in Response to Violence in Syria

    September 5: The United States remains deeply concerned by the humanitarian crisis caused by violence in Syria. Over 100,000 refugees have flooded into neighboring countries in the month of August, stretching host country capacity. We commend the generosity of Turkey, Jordan, Lebanon, and Iraq in assisting approximately 240,000 Syrians who have fled. 

  • Undersecretary David S. Cohen (State Department Image)
    Readout of Visit to Turkey by U.S. Department of the Treasury Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence

    On September 4-5, 2012 the U.S. Department of the Treasury's Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence David S. Cohen met with officials across the Turkish government and representatives of the Turkish financial sector. In series of productive meetings with officials from the government and financial sector, Under Secretary Cohen discussed the importance of the...  

  • Date: 09/09/2012 Description: Secretary Clinton addresses the media at a press conference after her meetings during the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Leaders' Week in Vladivostok, Russia. - State Dept Image
    The Situation in Syria

    Secretary Clinton (September 9): "With respect to Syria, I made the international community’s case again yesterday...that we have to bring more pressure to bear on the Assad regime to end the bloodshed and begin a political democratic transition."  

  • Ambassador Francis J. Ricciardone
    Press Roundtable with Ambassador Francis J. Ricciardone

    Ambassador Ricciardone:... "Clearly, Syria was the lead topic of conversation and that topic is related to the primary national security concern of Turkey and the United States, which is our common effort against terrorism. Secretary Clinton made clear the United States’ continuing solidarity with Turkey in facing the PKK. Whether that threat comes from inside Syria or Iraq"...  

