State Interagency Council Tasks and Membership

Major Council Tasks

  • Promote Opening Doors in their state and evaluate progress toward the four major goals of the Plan
  • Create the State Plan to End Homelessness
  • Monitor Plan implementation
  • Provide an annual progress report on the Plan to the Governor and Legislature
  • Disseminate information (e.g. data and best practices) to educate state officials and the public regarding issues related to homelessness
  • Create a website that provides information on Council activities, membership and minutes, and also includes a downloadable copy of the Plan for the public. 
  • Host an Annual Conference on Homelessness

Membership on the Council

Membership on the Council is composed of State Agency Officials (Elected and Appointed and Agency Heads), Federal Agency Representatives, and a variety of Stakeholders.

There should be representation from the following

Elected/Appointed Officials:

  • Governor’s Office
  • Lieutenant Governor’s Office
  • Judicial Offices
  • Attorney General’s Office
  • State Fiscal or Comptroller’s Office


Secretaries and Commissioners (or their representatives) from the following Departments, Agencies and Resources:

  • Housing & Housing Finance
  • Substance Abuse & Mental Health
  • Veterans Affairs
  • Office of Management & Budget
  • Social Security/Disability Determinations
  • Managed Care Entity
  • Temporary Assistance for Needy Families
  • State and County Corrections/ Public Safety/Juvenile Justice
  • Education
  • Labor/Employment Services
  • Welfare
  • Medicaid
  • Transportation
  • Children & Families/Youth Services
  • Health & Human Services/Homeless Services

Federal Agency Representatives

  • Housing and Urban Development (HUD) –Field Office Director, CPD Director or Regional Administrator
  • Veterans Affairs (VA) –VISN Director or VISN Network Homeless Coordinator
  • Labor (DOL) –Regional Liaison to state or WIA Directors/Administrators
  • Health and Human Services (HHS) –Regional Liaison to state
  • Social Security Administration –Field office director
  • Agriculture (USDA) –State director
  • USICH –Regional Coordinator