Senator Warner is hosting an online forum, answering questions submitted by constituents through FacebookGoogleLinkedIn, Twitter and YouTube

Throughout the week, Senator Warner will be responding to the most popular questions through video responses posted here.

Senator Warner answered questions from our first social media forum this morning. In this first video, he welcomes participants to the forum and talks about the importance of using new media to reach out to constituents.

In this video, Senator Warner answered Kyle from Centreville’s question from Google Moderator: "Census Bureau data shows that startup companies (<1yr) create 3 million jobs per year, while existing companies lose 1 million jobs per year. What do you believe the role of the federal government shoudl be in fostering the entrepreneurial spirit?"

In this video, Senator Warner answered questions from Marcie in Arlington and Matt in Washington on Google Moderator: "Demand for college-educated workers continues to outpace the demand for workers with only a HS diploma. Today, 43 percent of adults have only a HS diploma or less. How do we help low-skilled adults get the ed & training they need to compete?" and "Given that many high skilled blue collar work is going unfilled what plan do you propose to change the education system in the US. My suggestion is to bring those skills back to the high school level. Have a college track and technical career track"

In this video, Senator Warner answered this question from Sheila in Alexandria: "I fail to understand how we can have a robust economy without manufacturing things. We have exported our steel, apparel, and electronics manufacturing. We need to focus on a return to US manufacturing. Any ideas on how to accomplish this?"

In this video Senator Warner answered a question from the nonprofit group Independent We Stand: "What do you think it will take to get small business owners to start hiring again?"

In this video, Senator Warner answered a question from Facebook: What is your stance on Tax and Entitlement Reform?

In this video, the Senator answered a question from Facebook: I believe a large component of the jobs problem is the housing mortgage problem. People are unable to move to where a new job is due to the inability to sell a house without a loss. Do you agree and what can be done by government, industry and banking institutions?

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