Last night Senator Warner joined more than 150 students and faculty from James Madison University via videoconference to take questions on issues ranging from the federal debt and looming sequestration crisis, to opportunities for tech entrepreneurs and young Americans.

On the budget crisis, Senator Warner continued to express his frustration with Congress’ intransigence.  He noted that even small progress towards reaching a bipartisan solution would signal to businesses that federal finances were on solid enough ground for them to continue hiring and investing.


“We don’t have to fix the debt issue overnight.  We just have to show that politicians are willing to take a significant first step,” said Senator Warner, “Lurching from one budget crisis to another, the way we have over the last few months, is devastating to the economy.”

“I really believe that our economy is poised to take off,” he continued. “What’s holding it back is whether government is going to continue having these crises, or whether we’re going to bite the bullet and put out a real plan.”

Senator Warner, a former entrepreneur and venture capitalist, also reflected on his own initially rocky start in business, and gave advice to those students in the audience poised to enter the workforce.

Senator Warner concluded by reminding his listeners to keep their heads up, despite all the negative talk surrounding the economy.

“If you turn on the news, you can get bummed out pretty quick – but I wouldn’t trade [America’s] hand with anyone.”

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