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News and Events 2011

Ambassador Oreck Celebrates the Eisenhower Day of Fellowship

October 20, 2011
Ambassador Oreck Celebrates the Eisenhower Day of Fellowship

Ambassador Oreck Celebrates the Eisenhower Day of Fellowship

Ambassador Bruce Oreck and Ms. Cody Douglas Oreck participated in the 4th worldwide Eisenhower Day celebration and dinner in Helsinki on October 20.  The event was hosted and organized by the Eisenhower Fellows.  In 2008, the Eisenhower Day of Fellowship was initiated to renew the fellowship experience, increase the impact and visibility of Eisenhower Fellowships, and commemorate the founding of the organization in 1953.  Ambassador Oreck engaged the participants in a lively conversation about the U.S. Embassy’s work here in Finland, including the importance of people-to-people exchanges that enhance mutual understanding and strengthen the bonds of friendship between our two countries.