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Photo Credit: Stephanie A. Pepi, USAID/Albania

Frequently Asked Questions

What is USAID?
The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) is an independent agency that provides economic, development and humanitarian assistance around the world in support of the foreign policy goals of the United States.

With headquarters in Washington, D.C., and field missions in Sub-Saharan Africa, Asia and the Near East, Latin America and the Caribbean, and Europe and Eurasia, USAID has been implementing America's foreign economic and humanitarian assistance programs since 1961.

USAID operates in over 100 countries around the world and manages a budget of approximately $9.5 billion.

What sectors does USAID/Albania focus on in Albania?
Based on assessments of current country needs and in line with the U.S. Government’s transformational diplomacy goals, USAID/Albania is implementing programs in four areas:

  • Promoting Economic Growth and Prosperity
  • Governing Justly and Democratically
  • Investing in People
  • Achieving Peace and Security

How long has USAID been working in Albania?
USAID has been operating in Albania since 1992. During this time, USAID/Albania, through the Support for Eastern European Democracy (SEED) Fund, has delivered more than $414 million in assistance to support Albania’s transition and long-term development.

The USAID assistance program is aimed to help Albania progress within the community of democratic and market-oriented nations and become a force in promoting peace, stability, and prosperity throughout Southeast Europe.

Today, USAID/Albania implements a wide-ranging program aimed to promote economic growth and poverty reduction, strengthen democratic institutions and civil society, improve the legal system and reduce corruption, increase the efficiency of the primary health care system, trafficking in persons.

How can I receive funding from USAID/Albania?
USAID works in close partnership with private U.S. based voluntary organizations, indigenous institutions, U.S. businesses, and other national and international agencies. Business and grant opportunities are posted on the USAID Business & Procurement Internet site: If you are interested in submitting an "unsolicited" proposal for USAID review, follow instructions provided in Contract Information Bulletin No. 99-18. Additionally, the USAID Acquisition and Assistance Ombudsman is available to answer questions at or the A&A Ombudsman homepage.

How can I apply for a job with USAID/Albania?
Employment opportunities for U.S. citizens are posted through the main USAID web site at: Currently there are limited opportunities available for the New Entry Professional Program (Foreign Service), Mid-level Hires (Foreign Service), and some Civil Service positions.

For non-U.S. citizens interested in employment in the USAID/Albania mission, you must apply directly to that Mission. Your expression of interest and resume (or any other appropriate materials) may be sent to the attention of the USAID/Albania.

I would like to ask permission to use materials (images) from your web site in my presentation or publication.
Unless a copyright is indicated, information on this Web site is in the public domain and may be reproduced, published or otherwise used without USAID/Albania's permission. We request that USAID/Albania be cited as the source of the information and that any photo credits or bylines be similarly credited to the photographer or author or USAID, as appropriate. If a copyright is indicated on a photo, graphic, or any other material, permission to copy these materials must be obtained from the original source.

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