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Group Visas

Group Visas

The U. S. Embassy Buenos Aires may accept groups that meet the following requirements:

• Disney "quinceañeras" groups: minors between 14 and 16 years old that are part of a Travel Agency Disney Program. Parents are not required to come to the interview.
• Summer Work and Travel Groups: Local sponsors can request group appointments for Summer Work and Travel participants.
• Petition-based visas (P – O visa categories): Group of Athletes, Artist Performers, etcetera, that are going to perform in an Artistic/athletic event.
• National Teams that are travelling to special events representing Argentina.

Important: Only group participants can apply through this program. Siblings and other family members who want to travel to accompany a group participant will not be accepted and will need to schedule individual appointments; their cases will have to stand on their own merits.

If one of the above criteria is met, request a group appointment to