55 Music Concourse Dr.
Golden Gate Park
San Francisco CA
Regular Hours:


9:30 am – 5:00 pm


11:00 am – 5:00 pm
Members' Hours:


8:30 – 9:30 am


10:00 – 11:00 am

The Academy will be closed on Thanksgiving and Christmas Day.

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Let the Wonder Begin

Human Odyssey
Trace the milestones of our species’ fascinating history in a dramatic addition to Tusher African Hall. Learn more
Earthquakes Happen
Explore the jolting science behind plate tectonics, which shape the planet and impact our lives. Learn more
The Aquarium
Meet Nemo, a colony of penguins, and 38,000 other live animals from around the world. Learn more
The Natural History Museum
Explore how life evolved on Earth, and what we can do to help conserve its diversity. Learn more
The Planetarium
Fly through space and time, and gain a new perspective on the planet we call home. Learn more
The Rainforest
Journey through a four-story rainforest that is hot, humid, and teeming with life. Learn more
Programs & Events
Thursdays from 6-10 pm
Enjoy music, creatures & cocktails after-hours with a unique weekly theme.
Saturdays and Sundays at 11:00 am
Learn how scientists use DNA analysis and technology to study recent fossil finds.
Saturdays at 11:30 am
Meet Academy scientists exploring and protecting biodiversity around the globe.
Daily at 10:30 am and 3:00 pm
Meet our African Penguin colony, and ask a biologist your questions.
Daily at 11:30 am and 2:30 pm
Watch as a diver plunges into the world's deepest coral reef exhibit.
Mondays and Wednesdays at 10 am
Join hands-on activities, stories & crafts with rotating themes (ages 3-5).
Monday—Friday at 11:00 am
Compare early human adaptations to our modern bodies through fun activities.
Saturdays and Sundays
Learn about the latest discoveries from NASA's robotic explorers on Mars.
Dive deeper with exclusive access to the aquarium or research collections.
Ongoing series
Hear from noted experts in astronomy and space science.
Ongoing series
Join a workshop or local excursion and hone your nature photography skills.
Ongoing series
Prepare for a wild night! Join a Penguins + Pajamas sleepover, for ages 5+.
News & Highlights
Celebrity Chefs
See how the Academy feeds our star animals and why some are picky eaters.
Youth Programs at the Academy
The Academy has teen–oriented internships, and volunteer opportunities.
Academy Photo Competition
Enter your photos of the Academy by March 31 to win an Apple iPad Mini.
California Wildflowers
This spring, appreciate colorful blooms with our online herbarium.
Coral Reefs in Hot Water
Discover how one coral species has adapted to the ocean's rising temperature.
Skywatcher's Guide
Download the new 2013 Pocket Almanac or pick up your copy in the Naturalist Center.
Ocean Acidification
Scientists discuss the impact of the ocean's changing pH levels.
You and iNaturalists
Help scientists survey and document the natural world.
Penguin Poses
Watch live penguins frolic and learn how they use body language to communicates.
Academy Insider
Get the latest update of this popular app with customized tours of the Academy.
In the Field
Academy scientists journey around the globe to document biodiversity.
Cairo to the Cape
New display spotlights the first north-to-south expedition of Africa in 1925.
Our Mission
The Academy is driven by a mission to Explore, Explain, and Sustain Life.
Learn more