How are massive plant genomics data organized and interpreted?

Consider that just one tomato plant contains about 35,000 genes that express thousands of different proteins. Then consider how many different plants are currently under study, and it’s easy to understand the enormity of the data generated in ...

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News and Updates
BTI News

Salmonella and Tomato Infection Interactions to be Investigated

Salmonella bacteria cause 1.4 million cases of food poisoning in the United States each year. (1) The principal sources of infection are infected meat products and plants that have come into contact with contaminated water.

BTI scientist Gregory Martin, ...

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BTI News

Maria Harrison named William H. Crocker Scientist

At its May meeting, the BTI Board of Directors named Maria Harrison as the William H. Crocker Scientist. This chair was created in 1979 to be “conferred from time to time by the Board of Directors on a ...

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BTI News

BTI participates in Cornell's Bring a Child to Work Day

On April 28, 2011, thirteen children ages 8 – 12 visited BTI along with their parents as part of Cornell’s Bring a Child to Work Day. This year, 395 children participated in the event, which provides children ...

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The PGRP Summer Internship Program Marks its 10 Year

The PGRP Summer Internship Program Marks its 10 Year

This summer marks the tenth anniversary of our plant genomics summer research experience (REU) for undergraduate and high school students! This year, the Plant Genome Research Program (PGRP) welcomes 22 undergraduate and five high school students to ...

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A Review of The Latest Plant Biology Science Teacher Workshop at BTI

A Review of The Latest Plant Biology Science Teacher Workshop at BTI

Motivated teachers looking to expand the plant science content of their curricula came together on May 21st for the BTI Plant Biology Workshop. From New York City, Owega, Rochester, and Cornell, it was an exciting group that joined ...

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Educational Resources

Growing Fuel: New York State Agriculture and Bioenergy in the Classroom

Growing Fuel

BTI science lesson plans and supporting materials have been developed by science teachers, scientists, and science educators. These lessons can be used in 7-12th grade classrooms...

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Events and Seminars

The BTI Perl Club is
an open forum for
researchers with a
desire to learn more
about Perl and use it in
their research.

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