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Posted 11/13/2012 Printable Fact Sheet
2d Weather Squadron, Weather Intelligence Flight
2d Weather Squadron, Weather Intelligence Flight
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The Weather Intelligence Flight (WXI), 2d Weather Squadron, 2d Weather Group at the Air Force Weather Agency (AFWA), provides Department of Defense (DoD) and intelligence community (IC) warfighters with timely, accurate and tailored weather intelligence at the SCI- and UNCLASS-level, arming decision-makers with a precise environmental characterization of the battlespace, anytime, anywhere.

Key Functions
Cloud Analysis for Geospatial Exploitation (CAGE): Provides Forecaster-In-The-Loop (FITL) expertise to global cloud analyses and forecasts. These products are used by the intelligence community to optimize intelligence collection.

Weather for Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance (WISR): Provides mission-tailored environmental analyses and forecasts in support of resource allocation, situational awareness and mission optimization for the DoD and intelligence community operations. WXI has been the DoD focal point for SCI tailored weather support to intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance since May 2002. The flight also provides support for over 100 locations worldwide in addition to a 24/7 time-sensitive response function at the SCI-level fulfilling numerous short-term supports and one-time requests.

Volcanic Ash Surveillance and Analysis: As the DoD center for airborne volcanic ash advisories, WXI analysts monitor volcanoes worldwide, generating more than 4,000 bulletins per year. Tailored satellite imagery, ash plume forecast graphics and text bulletins are distributed electronically to serve DoD users. Near real-time airborne ash products and hypothetical model forecasts provide vital information needed to mitigate threats to flight safety and airfield operations. Additionally, the team is the primary back-up to the Washington Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (W-VAAC) and is capable of performing seamless backup procedures at a moment's notice.

Global Snow Analysis: WXI provides FITL expertise to tune the accuracy of AFWA's Global Snow Depth Model (SNODEP). The accuracy of SNODEP output is critical to many AFWA numerical weather prediction systems, DoD and intelligence community users. Ground forces abroad use this information for transport and trafficability planning in order to complete their missions safely.

55th Wing Public Affairs
109 Washington Square, Suite 221
Offutt Air Force Base, NE
Com'l: (402) 294-3663
DSN: 272-3663

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