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USACE Castle
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SMART planning is:
     S: Specific
    M: Measurable
    A: Attainable
    R: Risk Informed
    T: Timely

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What's New on the SMART Guide
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Planning SMART Guide

Last updated: 12 December 2012

Reaching across the Corps – with participation from Headquarters, the Divisions, and the Districts – we are working together to develop a feasibility study process that is at the heart of Planning Modernization.

Teams across the Corps continue to provide more tools and tips to support your planning efforts.

  • Guidance from Counsel, Real Estate, Engineering and Construction, and Planning continues to be updated to support and reflect SMART Planning principles and processes.
  • In response to questions from Districts and study teams, a discussion paper on the integration of environmental compliance requirements in SMART Planning has been developed.
  • Study teams across the country have used planning charettes to rescope or move their study ahead, and we are encouraged by the accomplishment and feedback received. An updated Charette Handbook incorporating lessons learned is under development.
  • We have developed and utilized a number of tools to assist in planning efforts, such as the Decision Management Plan, Risk Register, and Decision Log.
  • Recently, two webinars were posted on the Foundations of SMART Planning and SMART Feasibility Studies: Milestones and Processes to better explain the feasibility study process.

    We encourage everyone to use the resources on the SMART Guide and share them with other Communities of Practice, Sponsors and other interests. Questions or comments on SMART Planning or this Guide are welcome anytime.

    Susan B. Hughes
    Deputy, Planning Community of Practice
