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News: Top US military logisticians visit the Bagram Retrosort Yard

Story by 1st Lt. Henry ChanSmall RSS IconSubscriptions Icon Subscribe To This Journalist

Top US military logisticians visit the Bagram Retrosort Yard 1st Lt. Henry Chan

(from left) Army Master Sgt. Archie Belton, the Operations noncommissioned officer of the Bagram Air Field Retrosort Yard, shows Army Lt. Gen. Raymond Mason, Army G-4 deputy chief of staff, the process that items are identified and shipped out of the BAF RSY.

BAGRAM AIR FIELD, Afghanistan - Heads of logistics operations from different military branches toured the Bagram Retrosort Yard on Friday, Nov. 16th.

A star-filled entourage with Director of Logistics Joint Staff, Air Force Lt. Gen Brooks Bash, U.S. Army Deputy Chief of Staff, Lt. Gen. Raymond Mason, U.S. Air Force Director of Logistics, Air Force Lt. Gen Judy Fedder, U.S. Navy Director of Energy/ Environmental Readiness, Navy Rear Adm. Kevin Slates, Commanding General of United States Marine Corps Logistics Command, and Marine Maj. Gen. Charles Hudson, Central Command Director of Logistics/Engineering, Marine Maj. Gen Robert Ruark, observed retro-sort operations at the Bagram Air Field Retrosort Yard.

A retrosort yard is a vital facility in the reduction of the amount of excess materiel in Afghanistan. The BAF RSY operates along with two other retrograde sort yards in Afghanistan under the 18th Combat Sustainment Support Battalion, commanded by Lt. Col. Michelle Letcher. According to Letcher, since taking over the facility, the 18th CSSB and 427th BSB soldiers have increased production by 58 percent.

Letcher commenced the tour with a short brief on the RSY’s capabilities and handed the group over for a tour of the yard from RSY Noncommissioned Officer in Charge, Army Sgt. 1st Class Edward Dowd, of the Headquarters Company, 427 Brigade Support Battalion of the New York National Guard.

The group examined the condition of excess materiel arrives to the facility. Dowd opened two containers that were full of truck wheels and fuel storage bags stacked on top of each other.

Dowd illustrated the importance of Materiel Recovery Teams taking the lead and organizing items prior to them being shipped by showing the group two containers, one organized by MRT, neat and stacked well; the other, thrown together with trash, for the RSY workers to sift through.

The group also had a chance to witness the Virtual Warehouse.

The Virtual Warehouse operates to re-circulate highly-requested items to local units on the battlefield. This program effectively saves the U.S. taxpayer money in supplying surplus items to units in theater rather than requiring a requisition back to the United States.

Dowd walked through the hazardous material section and arrived at the medical supply sorting area, where Staff Sgt. Matthew Cook, leader of the Medical Sorting Task Force based out of Kuwait, illustrated the process of sorting medical items that come through the RSY.

From expired pills, controlled substances to biohazard waste, Cook’s team filters out and isolates for medical disposal. Brig. Gen. French, commander of the Joint Sustainment Command- Afghanistan, praised the efficiency of the medical supply sorting area.

Army Master Sgt. Archie Belton brought the group to the center of the sorting tent to show the visiting officers how items are processed. Boxes upon boxes were lined up on rollers, and items were constantly being taken out, re-entered into the Army Supply System, and tagged for shipment.

The group of logisticians used the opportunity to facilitate conversation on potential logistical discussion between the services.

According to Letcher, the visit “[spoke] to the importance of the Central Command resourced mission,” and that she was inspired by the “engaged leadership from [the] most senior logisticians across all services.”

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Date Taken:11.16.2012

Date Posted:11.24.2012 06:23


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