Frequently Asked Questions

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Question 1: We understand this is a competitive solicitation. However, due to the fact that there is an existing contractor maintaining the current DSIRE database and website are there additional considerations (tasks, scoring criteria) that a non-incumbent proposer would need to meet in order to be considered? How much weight will be given in the proposal scoring criteria to the incumbent contractor?
Answer 1:

This DOE Financial Offer of Assistance is designed to be perfectly competitive to all applicants. No applicant will be viewed as an “incumbent” and the scoring criteria will be exactly identical for all applicants. Please see page 13 of the FOA under Section IV “Application and Submission Information” section C. entitled “Content and Form of Application” to ensure that any application that you submit is complete according to the FOA requirements. Also closely read page 23, Section V “Application Review Information” section 2. Entitled “Merit Review Criteria” to examine the four weighted criteria for this FOA.


 Finally, be sure to submit your application by January 16, 2013 no later than 5:00pm EASTERN STANDARD TIME.

 The DOE highly encourages any/all parties who may be eligible to complete the scope of work under this announcement to apply.



Question 2: The FOA describes the existing Database of State Incentives for Renewables & Efficiency (DSIRE) but clearly focuses on the development of a new database. Will the DSIRE database continue to exist once the new database is developed?
Answer 2:

Page 4 Section 1A.: “This FOA intends to build on the existing accomplishments of the DSIRE database. A successful Awardee will provide or create a database with functionalities similar to those offered by DSIRE, but will significantly expand encompassed data and create a brand new web interface revolutionizing data accessibility and thus expanding its stakeholder base. The DSIRE database/website in its current form will exist concurrently with the to-be-created database/website.”


Question 3: Will the data within the existing DSIRE database be made available to the awardee to “seed” the new database?
Answer 3:

Page 5 Section 1 B.: Yes. National Renewable Energy Laboratory’s (NREL) Open Energy Information (OpenEI) project currently hosts most of the existing data, generated by DSIRE, in the “Incentives and Policies for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency” (https://webarchive.library.unt.edu/web/20130216160546/http://en.openei.org/wiki/Gateway:Incentives_and_Policies).  OpenEI also contains an Application Programming Interface (API) which allows developers to request information directly from the database and can provide output without going through the website.  Whether the applicant chooses to maintain a database and data feed outside of or as part of the OpenEI infrastructure, the applicant must cooperate with and make all data accessible on OpenEI.  OpenEI is a free, open-source, knowledge-sharing platform providing access to data, models, tools, and information that accelerate the transition to clean energy systems.

Question 4: As the FOA notes, DSIRE is hosted by North Carolina State University. The DSIRE site provides information about myDSIRE, customized data services available to interested parties for a fee. Will the awardee be permitted to offer a similar service once the new database has been established?
Answer 4:

No entity may be able to charge for access to the data; they have to make it all public.  They could charge for services around organizing the data.

Question 5: Will the DSIRE name, URL, and other related intellectual property be transferred from North Carolina State University to the awardee of this contract?
Answer 5:

Page 6, Section 1.C. “Scope”: “The awardee is expected to work with DOE and relevant stakeholders to create and market a brand for the new database and website, unless the awardee possesses a brand with significant market recognition at the time of application. If the awardee does not possess such a brand at the time of application, DOE will be the holder of any trademarks associated with the brand and any domain names associated with the website.  The trademarks and domain names will be licensed to the awardee for the duration of any financial assistance. After the conclusion of this financial assistance award, the trademarks and domain names will remain DOE’s property and will be licensed at its discretion.”


Question 6: Does DOE-EERE have defined hosting requirements for the database/web interface? If so, please explain the requirements.
Answer 6:

Section 1 B.Page 5 “Description”: To maximize the public benefit of this financial assistance, all data must be fully accessible and downloadable, through a newly developed data feed or through existing infrastructure through the National Renewable Energy Laboratory’s (NREL) Open Energy Information (OpenEI) project .  OpenEI currently hosts most of the existing data, generated by DSIRE, in the “Incentives and Policies for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency” (https://webarchive.library.unt.edu/web/20130216160546/http://en.openei.org/wiki/Gateway:Incentives_and_Policies).  OpenEI also contains an Application Programming Interface (API) which allows developers to request information directly from the database and can provide output without going through the website.  Whether the applicant chooses to maintain a database and data feed outside of or as part of the OpenEI infrastructure, the applicant must cooperate with and make all data accessible on OpenEI.  OpenEI is a free, open-source, knowledge-sharing platform providing access to data, models, tools, and information that accelerate the transition to clean energy systems. Also see Appendix C for the definition and other information regarding Open Source.
 Section 1. C Page 7 “Scope”: Applicants can either operate the database hosted by OpenEI and manipulated through the OpenEI console and infrastructure, or plan to create their own database. If the Awardee chooses to create its own database, it is required to create a mechanism to keep the OpenEI database up-to-date through a live feed (manually entering the data will not be allowed). The live feed can be the same live feed made available to other entities.
 Please see Section V. 2 Page 24 “Merit Review Criteria” for a complete list of requirements.


Question 7: Are respondents expected to include a hosting/managed services solution as part of their proposal and cost estimate?
Answer 7:

DOE encourages this.

Question 8: Will DOE-EERE please provide an expectation of system demand in terms of the following: a) server/system performance expectations, b) data storage volume, c) total and concurrent user expectations, d) uptime requirements?
Answer 8: Applicants should plan to handle up to 1 million visits per month (keeping in mind, these will not all be unique visitors). The XML repository should be of the order of 20 MB and hosting requirements for pictures, maps, and data should not be greater than 10 GB.
XML feed and website availability is expected to be at all times, with 99% uptime (87.6 hours of outage per year) with no individual outage exceeding 12 hours
Question 9: Does DOE-EERE have a specific, defined development life-cycle requirement of the offeror? If so, please explain the requirement.
Answer 9:

Section V. 2 Page 24 “Merit Review Criteria” Criteria 2: “Thoroughness of the proposed implementation approach, including appropriateness of timelines, milestones, and deliverables.”
Section V. 2 Page 25 “Merit Review Criteria” Criteria 3:
“Appropriateness and effectiveness of the proposed plan for collaboration and integration of database and web-interface technical resources to accomplish goals within the project period.”
“Quality of Applicant’s proposed schedule with defined tasks, timing, and resource allocation.”

Question 10: Are offerors permitted to provide their own development approach as part of their proposed solution?
Answer 10:

Section 1. C Page 7 “Scope”: Applicants can either operate the database hosted by OpenEI and manipulated through the OpenEI console and infrastructure, or plan to create their own database. If the Awardee chooses to create its own database, it is required to create a mechanism to keep the OpenEI database up-to-date through a live feed (manually entering the data will not be allowed). The live feed can be the same live feed made available to other entities.

Question 11: Please provide details regarding the hosting and support environment currently operating the existing DSIRE system at North Carolina State University.
Answer 11:

The public interface with DSIRE is a website located at https://webarchive.library.unt.edu/web/20130216160546/http://www.dsireusa.org/.
OpenEI currently hosts most of the existing data, generated by DSIRE, in the “Incentives and Policies for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency” (https://webarchive.library.unt.edu/web/20130216160546/http://en.openei.org/wiki/Gateway:Incentives_and_Policies).  OpenEI also contains an Application Programming Interface (API) which allows developers to request information directly from the database and can provide output without going through the website. Proposed projects should build on existing accomplishments of the DSIRE.  Applicants are expected to provide significant improvements over the current scope of data collection and presentation. Also see Section I of the FOA entitled “Scope”.

Question 12: Should a Master Service Agreement exist, please provide the performance parameters of the agreement.
Answer 12:

DOE anticipates awarding a cooperative agreements under this program announcement (See Part VI.B.4 Statement of Substantial Involvement)
The DOE Special Terms and Conditions for Use in Most Grants and Cooperative Agreements are located at:

DOE has the right to intervene in the conduct or performance of project activities for programmatic reasons.  Intervention includes the interruption or modification of the conduct or performance of project activities”. Refer to 10 CFR 600.5 (d) for additional language and citations.

DOE will be involved in varying degrees to facilitate active collaboration and coordination among database and web-interface components of the awarded project. In that regard, DOE will provide additional monitoring and oversight to permit specified kinds of direction or redirection of each entity's work due to interrelationships between different components of the projects and/or critical programmatic goals.  DOE reserves the right to approve, deny or actively assist primary awardee with selection of vendor or partner to perform web-interface component of the project.  DOE, Federally Funded Research & Development Centers (FFRDCs) and stakeholders may provide technical assistance, where needed, to assist the recipients in achieving project goals.

Question 13: Are offerors allowed to apply profit to burdened labor rates.
Answer 13:

No. Profit and/or fees charged to any grant or cooperative agreement under DOE federal financial assistance is strictly prohibited per federal regulation. Burdened labor rates will be checked and the award audited for assurance.
Cost Principles: Costs must be allowable in accordance with the applicable Federal cost principles referenced in: 2 CFR 220 for Educational Institutions; 2 CFR 225 for State, Local, and Indian Tribal Governments; 2 CFR 230 for Non Profit Organizations and FAR Part 31 for commercial organizations.

Question 14: May offerors apply their indirect rate burdens to lower-tier subcontractors, travel and other direct costs?
Answer 14:

Budget negotiations between DOE and the prime recipient of the award will commence shortly after selection letters are issued.
Cost Principles: Costs must be allowable in accordance with the applicable Federal cost principles referenced in: 2 CFR 220 for Educational Institutions; 2 CFR 225 for State, Local, and Indian Tribal Governments; 2 CFR 230 for Non Profit Organizations and FAR Part 31 for commercial organizations.

Question 15: How is the product of this FOA different from databases that already exist?
Answer 15:

This FOA is for the purpose of producing a database that  is based on the accomplishments of the DSIRE database but with greatly enhanced features and benefits. Thus, the product that is the target of this FOA does not yet exist.

Question 16: In preparing to begin writing the application, I was wondering if there is a sample application that is available?
Answer 16:

DOE does not provide sample applications for use in applying to our FOAs. Detailed instructions on how to apply to this FOA can be found under Section IV: Application and Submission Information.


Question 17: My question is in regard to the technical aspects of this FOA. Page 10: "Applicants must develop and submit in their applications strategies to: ..Create the database, including the technical specifications and data layout" When outlining the steps for database and web interface creation; how much detail should be included (i.e. code structure/methodologies)? This question can be expanded throughout the technical approach of the narrative. We would like specifications of the level of technical detail required.
Answer 17:

Applicants should include sufficient detail to communicate and translate the goals of their proposed project while addressing all criteria within the prescribe page limits.