Frequently Asked Questions

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Question 1: Will the FOA consider multijunction concepts as well?
Answer 1:

The DOE SunShot Initiative is soliciting collaborative research teams to define and fabricate model single junction structures that can approach SQ limits with this FOA. Multijunction concepts are not being solicited with this funding announcement.

Question 2: I presently have an F-PACE program on polycrystalline CdTe solar cells involving study of defects by various techniques correlating to cell performance and growth procedures. In the F-PACE II announcement it states "continuation of an existing program" will not be considered. I would like to know if using similar techniques on model single crystal CdTe and using model grain boundaries grown on bicrystal substrates would be viewed as continuation or as a new program.
Answer 2:

Please see the FOA for the specific objectives of this funding announcement and for information concerning how your proposed project will be evaluated.  Proposals will be reviewed based on the application materials submitted.  Through this FOA, the DOE SunShot Initiative seeks to support collaborative research towards ultra-high efficiency model single junction systems with the end goal being the experimental achievement of efficiencies near the SQ limit for manufacturable PV technologies. 

Using similar techniques that are funded under existing programs is not considered a continuation of an existing program.  Please note that Applicants must provide a list of current and pending support (both Federal and non-Federal) as part of the Project Narrative as described in Section IV.C of the FOA.

Question 3: Can Federally Funded Research and Development Centers (FFRDCs) apply to this FOA?
Answer 3:

As described in Section III.A, non-DOE/NNSA FFRDCs and non-DOE Government-Operated Government-Owned laboratories GOGOs are eligible to apply for funding as a subrecipient, but are not eligible to apply as a prime recipient. DOE/NNSA FFRDCs and DOE GOGOs are eligible to apply for funding as a prime recipient or subrecipient.

Please see Section III.C for information regarding authorization requirements.



Question 4: I would like to speak more with the program manager about our concept, and perhaps arrange a briefing. Would you please place me in contact with the appropriate point of contact?
Answer 4:

DOE will not be setting up any briefings or private conversations with the program or FOA manager in response to this competitive FOA.  All questions regarding this FOA should be submitted to the FOA mailbox, , and DOE’s responses will be posted publicly.



Question 5: A team member is required who has worked on, or demonstrated a cell within 3% absolute of the technology in question. In the case of Si PV, does the world record mean singly a 25% PERL cell, or there is a separation between "thick" wafer Si and ultra-thin kerfless Si?
Answer 5:

The reviewers will use the submitted application materials to determine if the applicant team contains at least one member that was part of a team that fabricated a cell within 3% of the world record for the technology addressed in the application.  In the case of thin-film silicon, the record at the time the FOA was released was 20.1% as shown in Figure 3 on page 8.



Question 6: The posted SOPO instructions include an example SOPO that uses two 18-month budget periods while the FOA states that applicants should construct their SOPO in three 12-month budget periods. Please clarify the length of the budget period that applicants must use when constructing their application for the FPACE II – Model Systems FOA.
Answer 6:

Applicants should use three 12-month budget periods when constructing their application and propose go/no-go points at the end of the first and second budget periods as stated in the FOA.



Question 7: It appears that the PV materials DOE is looking for are limited to III-V, chalcogenide, or c-Si. However, we would like to make sure about this since we are thinking of creating team for advanced organic solar cells. Would you please clarify if this is appropriate?
Answer 7:

As stated in Section I.D, PV technologies that have demonstrated device efficiencies of at least 11% are an area of programmatic interest for this FOA.  As shown in Figure 3, OPV technologies have exceeded this threshold.  The objective of the FOA is to create model PV systems that approach SQ limits and all applicants are encouraged to consider the merit review criteria when constructing their application.