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Feedback Entry

We are very interested in your comments and questions about the NMFS Permit Shop, and greatly appreciate your time providing them to us through this feedback form. There are 2 ways to get in touch with us for help.
  • You may call our customer service center at 888-872-8862.
  • You may submit a comment form.
Complete The Form
To use the form, please select a subject and species (if applicable) and then enter your comments in the feedback box below. Your comments will be sent to the appropriate NMFS staff member for prompt attention. Your name, phone number, and e-mail address are optional but we cannot reply to your comments without them. (If you include your e-mail address, an acknowledgment will be sent to you automatically letting you know that we received your feedback.)
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You may contact Customer Service by dialing 1-888-872-8862, Monday through Friday, 8am to 5pm EST