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Request for Certified Documents

If you need certified copies of records or documents, fill out the web form below and click submit. If you have questions or would like to check on the status of your request, please send an email to certified@sec.gov, or call (202) 551-7230.

Cost of Certified Documents

The cost of a request for certified documents is a flat fee of $4 per filing. There is no charge per page. You will receive an invoice for the cost of the certification when you receive the certified materials. The invoice will include instructions on how to pay for the certified materials.

Turnaround Time

You will be contacted within one (1) business day to confirm receipt of your request. ORMS will service the request within twenty (20) business days. Our requests are processed in the order in which they are received.

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.

Contact Information

Examples: Jr., Ph.D., CPA, Esquire

Example: name@domainname.domain
Request Details
Enter information for the first document in the fields below. If additional documents are needed, enter the complete information in the Comments field or as an attachment.

Please submit only one company or entity name per request. Do not submit multiple subjects in one request.

ex. Filings/forms, Pooling and Service Agreements (PSA), etc.

If requesting a PSA, you MUST include the Trust name and number that the loan was securitized under. Without it, ORMS cannot process your request.

Note: Only file with .txt, .doc, and .pdf extension is allowed.

Please read our Privacy Act Notice to learn more about how we may use the information you send to us.



Modified: 12/18/2012