Publication Number:
Title: Army Engineers and the Development of Oregon: A History of the Portland District U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Proponent: CEHO
Publication Date: 1983
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Pages iii-v
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 - Army Engineers Come to the Pacific Northwest (File Size: 3.50 MB)
Chapter 2 - Early Navigation Work of the Portland Office 1871-1877 (File Size: 4.02 MB)
Chapter 3 - The Cascades Canel and Permanent River and Harbor Improvements (File Size: 6.47 MB)
Chapter 4 - Project Management and River Improvements, 1880 to 1920 (File Size: 5.92 MB)
Chapter 5 - Navigation and Fortification Work on the Columbia, 1890 to 1920 (File Size: 9.49 MB)
Chapter 6 - The Oregon Coast, 1890 to 1920 (File Size: 3.25 MB)
Chapter 7 - Columbia River Multi-Purpose Development in the 1930s (File Size: 4.32 MB)
Chapter 8 - Willamette River Multi-Purpose Development in the 1930s (File Size: 3.97 MB)
Chapter 9 - Military Work (File Size: 3.41 MB)
Chapter 10 - Navigation Improvements, 1912 to 1980 (File Size: 7.18 MB)
Chapter 11 - Post-War Multi- Purpose Development of the Columbia (File Size: 5.28 MB)
Chapter 12 - Chapter 12 Post-War Multi-Purpose Development of the Willamette (File Size: 6.17 MB)
Chapter 13 - The Rogue River Basin, 1955 to 1980 (File Size: 3.13 MB)
Chapter 14 - Fish Conservation Measures (File Size: 6.29 MB)
Chapter 15 - New Challenges and Old Problems (File Size: 5.25 MB)
Note about the Author
Bibliographic Note
Footnotes (File Size: 1.25 MB)
Illustration Credits
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