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NASA's Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) satellite has released data from the first 57% of the sky surveyed during the mission. The satellite went into hibernation in early February 2011, but its discoveries include 20 comets, more than 33,000 asteroids between Mars and Jupiter, and 133 near-Earth objects. More...

The shuttle Atlantis released the Hubble Space Telescope at 08:57 EDT on 19 May 2009 after a successful servicing mission. More...


Voyager 1 has encountered a region of spacecraft at the edge of our solar system that scientists believe is the last region the spacecraft will have to cross prior to entering interstellar space. More...

NASA has officially renamed the recently launched Radiation Belt Storm Probes the Van Allen Probes in honor of the late Dr. James Van Allen. More...

Lunar and Planetary Science

Asteroid 2012 DA14 will fly by the Earth on 15 February, coming within 27,700 km (17,200 miles, or roughly two Earth-diameters) at 19:24 UT (2:24 p.m. EST). 2012 DA14 is a near-Earth asteroid approximately 50 meters in diameter which will pass from south to north over the Eastern Indian Ocean. There is no possibility of the asteroid hitting Earth. More.....

NASA announced plans for a multi-year Mars program, culminating in a large Curiosity-type rover to be launched in 2020. The program includes NASA participation in ESA Mars missions. More information is available in the NASA Press Release.

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