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Tribal Energy and Environmental Information Clearinghouse
Tribal Energy and Environmental Information Clearinghouse: Environmental resources for tribal energy development
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TEEIC Laws & Regulations Section Guide

Federal Mine Safety and Health Act (Mine Act)

Legislation, also known as the Mine Act (30 USC 801 et seq.), requiring the U.S. Department of Labor, Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) to inspect surface mines and underground mines; investigate mine accidents, complaints, and violations; develop safety and health standards; assess and collect monetary penalties for violation of these standards; expand educational programs related to mine safety; and approve mining, education, and training plans. Sec. 316 of the Mine Act (30 USC 876) was amended in 2006 by the Mine Improvement and New Emergency Response Act, also known as the MINER Act, to improve safety and health in mines through improved accident preparedness. The full suite of regulations promulgated by MSHA is available at 30 CFR 1-199.

Regulations Applicable to Energy Development

The entire suite of regulations issued by MSHA may be applicable to mining activities associated with energy development.

Relevant Web Site(s)

This statute may apply to the following energy resource:
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